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Input Lag with Mouse Buttons (Why Ani. Canceling might not work for some players)


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I refer to this topic on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/bladeandsoul/comments/41wv2n/workaround_fixing_the_input_lag_with_mouse_buttons/


There is a noticeable input lag when you press the left and right mouse buttons. You can try it for yourself:


First you should set up or check  your key bindings if you can alternatively attack bei pressing on the keyboard R and T.


Go to mushin's tower and hit the dummies: Click left/right mousebuttons in steady frequency and check your combat log which skills have been triggered. Now we try the keyboard: Press R and T in a steady frequency you will notice a slightly difference and as a destroyer animation canceling becomes suddenly pretty easy.


I wonder if players with a mouse from Razr or Logitech can confirm this as well.

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