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Good classes right now?


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i'm a destroyer, but i dont think the class is bad at all. out of my arena experiences i'd say the class is pretty good if you're familiar with your skills and techniques. what level are you on right now, if you dont mind me asking? also whats the 50 update?

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12 minutes ago, Tekare said:

Currently I am leveling a destroyer but I heard that they are bad at higher ranks and will get worse with the 50 update so my question is should I continue leveling it or start a new character, and if so which one?


Really, the balance isn't too bad at higher levels. Hell, it hardly can be, since every class has a design 75% combo designed for 36s break counter only. Try to find something you actually enjoy playing and run with it. Just know that the class may not be what you signed up for. Destroyers do not use Piledriver, or really much in the way of Grab at all. You just knockdown/stun/daze and animation cancel Cleave.


Might help to follow a power-leveling guide and bump up a few classes which seem interesting. There's also Warlock and Soul Fighter coming.

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5 minutes ago, Gamemako said:


Really, the balance isn't too bad at higher levels. Hell, it hardly can be, since every class has a design 75% combo designed for 36s break counter only. Try to find something you actually enjoy playing and run with it. Just know that the class may not be what you signed up for. Destroyers do not use Piledriver, or really much in the way of Grab at all. You just knockdown/stun/daze and animation cancel Cleave.


Might help to follow a power-leveling guide and bump up a few classes which seem interesting. There's also Warlock and Soul Fighter coming.

mind telling me your technique? maybe it can help me up my pvp skills. my go-to when i pvp is body kick, grab, wedge until my timer runs out, and then piledriver to deliver that final kick. it usually does pretty good damage and the little regen i get from wedging is helpful. after i piledriver them thats when i use my other skills.

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16 hours ago, choppa said:

mind telling me your technique? maybe it can help me up my pvp skills. my go-to when i pvp is body kick, grab, wedge until my timer runs out, and then piledriver to deliver that final kick. it usually does pretty good damage and the little regen i get from wedging is helpful. after i piledriver them thats when i use my other skills.


That will work early on, but you'll hit a brick wall at around 1700 doing that.

  • At higher levels, players will roll after any Daze or Knockdown. This will cause your Grab to cost 10 focus, go on cooldown, and not grab the opponent at all.
  • Several classes have a unique grab/grapple break. FMs can literally blow you up with 3 stacks, so all points in grab are rendered useless. Every class can break grab/grapple with tab.
  • All grab finishers can be reversed. Slow ones like useless Headbutt and launch are particularly susceptible to reversal. Summoner hardly needs it because the cat can grapple you during Piledriver.
  • For those players who spec Daze instead of grab/grapple break on tab, some can confirm a 25-60% combo by using tab out of the Piledriver landing knockdown. If you've burned your Gust and have used or don't have stun/daze break Persistence, you're in for a world of hurt.
  • Without Drag, you're going to struggle to keep up with FMs, Summoners, and BDs, and Drag is pretty damn useful to have against other Destroyers as well.
  • Once you've burned your focus hitting Hurricane versus kiting opponents, you have pretty much nothing until you get hit again. Piledriver costs a net 10 focus, but quick Power Slam generates 120.

Those are just the drawbacks of using grab-heavy build. Now consider that such a build has absolutely horrid damage output to go with its many drawbacks.  Meanwhile, standard animation cancel builds deliver much higher damage with far fewer drawbacks -- after the CC break, you're free to lop off huge chunks of damage while your opponent lies motionless. Easier, more powerful, less prone to debilitating bugs.

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Pick class based on play style. If you love the play style you'll find it easier to dedicate the time it takes to become good. An analogy I like to think of in my head is that McLaren (or whatever manufacturer) might have the fastest F1 car this season, but it's nothing without a driver who can handle it. 


IMO the balance discussions on these forums get thrown way out of wack. There is definitely inequality in difficulty of success and strength at top end play, but we've seen all classes rise to diamond in good hands. 

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1 hour ago, Kutsuu said:

Pick class based on play style. If you love the play style you'll find it easier to dedicate the time it takes to become good. An analogy I like to think of in my head is that McLaren (or whatever manufacturer) might have the fastest F1 car this season, but it's nothing without a driver who can handle it. 


IMO the balance discussions on these forums get thrown way out of wack. There is definitely inequality in difficulty of success and strength at top end play, but we've seen all classes rise to diamond in good hands. 

Very true. Some classes just counter others more efficiently, and while some do have some disgustingly easy outputs (i.e. summoners flower power, and what i like to call the Blade Dancers "*cricket* you" grab [blade swarm+ lightning rod+ Drain]) they can be countered through speccing your skills properly, and knowing how your skills function.

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