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Randomly banned?


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So i woke up today planning on going to do my dailies and when i try to log in it says "Due to suspicious activity, this account has been locked"

I did not buy gold off websites or anything so i decided to send a ticket to GMs, however this is the part i dont get.

How would one send a ticket without logging in and with my account "banned" how would i send a ticket?

This logic does not make any sort of sense to me as i registered this account just to send a ticket.

4 hours later and im still waiting for my account to be unbanned/GM to reply to my email.

Way to go NCSoft, banning players without a reason or sending a email stating why and how the account it banned.

P.S: One of my friend got banned by "purchasing too much ncoins" and how would that make any sense? He is basically feeding you money and you guys just ban players like that? What a way to let players enjoy the gameplay.

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13 minutes ago, SouldAndBlade said:

I like how the first thing you think you go banned for, purchasing gold, was the reason you think you got banned ..................


I smell suspicion


3 points

1) the first and the only reason I can think of getting banned is buying gold

2) you are not helping in anyway

3) stop being ignorant

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Bro, this happened to me also. Also, it gives a reason I got RMT Selling and in anyway I haven't sold anything for real money or used real money to buy in game money. I hope I get it unbanned soon or I'll miss out on a blackwyrn kill.

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4 minutes ago, LinNi said:

Bro, this happened to me also. Also, it gives a reason I got RMT Selling and in anyway I haven't sold anything for real money or used real money to buy in game money. I hope I get it unbanned soon or I'll miss out on a blackwyrn kill.

I didn't even get a notification on why I got banned, did they send a email? Cuz I didn't get any. Also, I sold like 2 gold on currency exchange yesterday for the stupid boxes. If I got banned because of that I'll be pissed

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When this happened to me, all I did was send a ticket from a new account I had to create and explained what happened. Along with the message I sent some info, like the e-mail linked to the banned account, my name, I mentioned that I had sent tickets from the banned account when I had trouble with installation and crashing, the name of my main character and what level I was. It didn't take long (less than 8h) and they had unbanned me and apologized for the inconvinience.


I know it sucks but that's what you gotta do. They may ask you a few questions first before restoring your account. We don't know why these random bans happen, but just send them a ticket and you'll be back on in no time.

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Bans are not up for public discussion.


It´s between the offender and NCsoft solely.


We, the players, have no access to the facts. We can only hear one-sided stories from the offender - which is highly suspect to bias. There´s no reason to continue this nonsense.


If you´re banned wrongfully, send a ticket and stop spamming the forums.

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The proper thing to do would be to send a ticket. No one here is going to be able to help you, and all you are really going to receive are a bunch of rude responses/ignorant people who don't actually read the forums enough to know this has happened multiple times to innocent people.


I will tell you the same thing I say to anyone worried, if you DIDN'T actually DO anything wrong, they are going to know that, and they will unban you, and probably even apologize. It happens, your name could look very similar to someone who actually was abusing the system, you could have been "caught" by an automated system and they may not even realize you have been banned, or for what.


It definitely sucks, but it is entirely fixable, and you need not worry if you know it's an accident. Chances are, it probably is.

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