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My advice to Silver/gold players...


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There is nothing wrong with venting about what you feel is imbalanced, or down right broken pending on your opinion. Despite what some Platinum players tells you, though this being said...


If the game is that annoying; leave. I have learned to just take it for what it is, and enjoy my seat at gold. Why? Because there is nothing wrong with being gold, sure some no life poorly endowed elitest might say otherwise. But at the end of the day we can't all be plat+ let alone top 100 or MLG level. To those few I see post more then "git gud" or "QQ." Those few trying to help thank you. If this game is to survival in the west, and be popular it needs it's silver, and golds. The mediocre players. As much if not more so then the plat+. I say more so as more are gold and below, hence more customers. Aka revenue before anyone flips.


I can tell you right now keep up the toxic attitude and people will leave. This is a fighting game, as such tempers will always fly. Muck like it does when you find that one guy at MK who uses the same combo, anyone who has touched a fighting game knows what I am referring to. You yell and curse, or just shake your head and walk away. I hate to be mean, but much like a fighting game BnS does have it's combo's spammers. The spin to win, perma stealth, auto canceling ect...Now these are parts of the game, but you can imagine when you lose to a destroyer in 3v3 who just hits two buttons and burns you from full to zero. It's frustrating.


I use to think the game was utterly imbalanced, but in time I have learned it is semi imbalanced. 

To sum it up, play the game try to enjoy it. if you can't then I advice leaving for your own sanity if nothing else. NCSoft will stick to the Korean approach, they won't adapt things for the west. Which IMO is bad, as every culture has different standards. For better or for worse...And you should adapt your product for it's environment. Plat+ try to understand this, and get off your high horse. No one likes an egomaniac. And such attitude will eat away the core of the community. leaving nothing but assholes, and hackers for you to contend with. (Toward those it applies to)  


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