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Raptor Matriarch attack move is impossible to evade.


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DaggerBeak Rookery dungeon should either be a purple dungeon or nerf the BOSS AOE attack.


Every time when he is flying in the sky. I have no way of getting out of the circle because the AOE circle is just too big. I can't even pick up the gun and shoot him. There isn't any objects to block(hide) his fire ball attacks which makes this boss impossible to solo. I can't even throw my ninja stars on him which is dumb. He stays up for like 1 min which is another issue for this boss.


This boss should just become a purple boss if it is going to be like that. No way of hiding or evading.


Also the fire should be removed from the last boss. Not like it is going to fly out. This boss is by for the most ridiculous boss ever because of its flying and inability to pull him down. We deserve to use grappling hook on it to bring it down.

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But it's actually really one of the most difficult dungeons for that level, even a level 45 character can easily drop over 10k when soloing that boss.


Btw. that just means you have to iframe the attacks, with a gun in your hand that obviously doesn't work out. I can usually evade 1 out of 3 attacks by constantly side stepping and shooting.

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I tried with 6 people, the boss targeted one player (me :( ) during the whole phase, you just have to run and escape as you can while the others shoot. 


The boss is soloable. I did it with my SUM, SIN are able to do it too, I don't know for the other classes. It depends on the range attacks protection skills you have. 

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25 minutes ago, Fael said:

I tried with 6 people, the boss targeted one player (me :( ) during the whole phase, you just have to run and escape as you can while the others shoot. 

This makes it easier. The tank can be dodging without gun. If the targeting were random ppl would need to dodge while holding a rifle.

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