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I do think Votekick is really needed.


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I have to agree, I run all the blue and purple dungeons on the majority of days and there is always one guy who will sit at the entrance then bid on the moonwater tears at the end, or just sit there to get their dailies without having to put any effort in then moving onto the next dungeon. The fact that we have no way to deal with such things without remaking the group from scratch is a little bit silly.

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15 hours ago, IamKrystal said:

Yep. I think it is needed to prevent Dungeon Groups getting even more toxic and trolled like they are already now. It is especially worse on peak hours. So I do request this feature please fom NCsoft. Please, for the Community. Thanks.

I don't think it's needed . Just make some friends and join a clan and you're good to go , this is an MMO ;3

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It is really getting annoying that every time I farm moonwater tear i get 1 - 2 LEECHER in a party. I would like to address this serious issue to the admins and hope they can do something about it. A VOTE TO KICK function would be nice.


Im also in a clan but it is much easier to find party in cross server duns....

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There is a votekick system. The fact is you need 5 of 6 votes to kick the player and the functionality is kinda hidden (all party members gotta right click and select "Vote to kick from party" and no one can see who voted or no and against whom).

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