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Hacking in 3v3 PVP?


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I looked around and didn't find anything about this. But recently I am seeing more and more people hacking in PVP? What I mean is they are floating in the air (Summoners & FM) and just rain down stills and you cant do anything about it. This is very frustrating as you can't do anything about it and you lose ranking. (Gold rank currently 1700+) You are unable to report these players as the name says "Opponent". Has anyone else run into this, is the Devs doing anything about this?


Thanks for everyones time.

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Just now, SKEPTER said:

It says Opponent istead of the name because you are in low league placed, atleast happened for me... and fly hack seriously??

Blah explained in other thread its not really fly hack they just jump in air and lock their position usually flyhacks refers to hack which enables flying as player wants but current hack whats going on is just jumping in air and locking their position in air. Anyway annoying as hell and even if players dont see their names just fill report and put time of match so Ncsoft find out who was the opponent. They will know and ban those

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OK, it looks like people want to focus on the reporting feature instead of the main issue at hand ... "hacking in pvp to win" How is this expectable and what is being done to fix this. This issue should be at top of the dev's list to fix as hacking isn't good in any game, but I would guess this will not get looked at much until more and more people experience this and complain.

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2 minutes ago, Ninfu said:

Blah explained in other thread its not really fly hack they just jump in air and lock their position usually flyhacks refers to hack which enables flying as player wants but current hack whats going on is just jumping in air and locking their position in air. Anyway annoying as hell and even if players dont see their names just fill report and put time of match so Ncsoft find out who was the opponent. They will know and ban those

Lock their position in air for real never seen before, maybe they just gliding and do some

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3 minutes ago, Ninfu said:

Blah explained in other thread its not really fly hack they just jump in air and lock their position usually flyhacks refers to hack which enables flying as player wants but current hack whats going on is just jumping in air and locking their position in air. Anyway annoying as hell and even if players dont see their names just fill report and put time of match so Ncsoft find out who was the opponent. They will know and ban those


So why aren't the devs fixing this? if you already know this, then the devs do as well and should have it fixed by now. Like, set a rule in arena if a player is at X height for X amount of time they blow up and die. Easy fix   :P

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8 minutes ago, Bashnir said:


So why aren't the devs fixing this? if you already know this, then the devs do as well and should have it fixed by now. Like, set a rule in arena if a player is at X height for X amount of time they blow up and die. Easy fix   :P

Its Ncsoft what do you expect? :)


8 minutes ago, SKEPTER said:

Lock their position in air for real never seen before, maybe they just gliding and do some

Yeah to be more precise they lock their gliding to certain high. So if you're playing against someone who is doing that you can just pull them back to ground which means they cannot do it again(unless they can get out of combat and jump back). Thought im not sure even if thats possible. Sins have skill to swap places with enemy player but i havent encountered anyone with this hack so i've no clue if it works.


But well we see how stupid hackers are. Never hack in pvp and they do it. Seriously what the heck ppl are thinking. Its like begging to get banned. And hopefully they get banned so i can laugh at their stupidity :D

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6 minutes ago, Ninfu said:

Its Ncsoft what do you expect? :)


Yeah to be more precise they lock their gliding to certain high. So if you're playing against someone who is doing that you can just pull them back to ground which means they cannot do it again(unless they can get out of combat and jump back). Thought im not sure even if thats possible. Sins have skill to swap places with enemy player but i havent encountered anyone with this hack so i've no clue if it works.


But well we see how stupid hackers are. Never hack in pvp and they do it. Seriously what the heck ppl are thinking. Its like begging to get banned. And hopefully they get banned so i can laugh at their stupidity :D


True true, I was able to pull them down with Drag, but then they are just flying around the map. So even if you get them down, you cant get to them as they hope all around the map. My team and I where just like WTF really ... LOL .... I just hope they do something about it sooner or later as the PVP in this game is amazing and would hate for something like this to turn people away.

And you are dead on saying "It's Ncsoft what do you expect?" its just sad.

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They're not going to be banned. NCSoft is actively purging these threads, yours will come soon. They remove video and then say "We can't do anything without video proof." The intent is not to protect the community, or the experience, it's to protect them from criticism because their "anti-cheat" is more focused on getting consumer info like facebook accounts and active Skype logins to sell to marketers. And if you don't believe me, check Reddit. Someone reverse-engineers their anti-cheat at least once a week.

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8 minutes ago, YesImEvil said:

They're not going to be banned. NCSoft is actively purging these threads, yours will come soon. They remove video and then say "We can't do anything without video proof." The intent is not to protect the community, or the experience, it's to protect them from criticism because their "anti-cheat" is more focused on getting consumer info like facebook accounts and active Skype logins to sell to marketers. And if you don't believe me, check Reddit. Someone reverse-engineers their anti-cheat at least once a week.

Problem is that if you wish them to do something you have to contact through their support ticket instead of making forum threads.


Also we're not allowed to shame anyone which is kind of stupid when we're talking about players who break the rules so they should not be protected.


So my only advice to anyone who wants to report them go to support page and do reporting there

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If you were 1700+ in 3v3 you wouldn't be getting matched commonly with people who were silver and below. You can see people's names who are gold and above in 3v3 just like you can in 1v1. (Source: I'm plat in 3v3) But I've never seen anyone do what you're suggesting so I assume you're just lagging.

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This post shouldn't get taken down. I am looking to see if people are starting to see this more and more. Also wondering if NCsoft is doing anything about it. I am aware of name shaming and that is why I didn't post names, but again It just says Opponent so I wouldn't have a name anyways LOL.


The thing I have an issue with is when you do report something like this via ticket, you don't get anything back on the 'FIX' was that person banned? Did they do anything about it? Is something being looked into to fix this issue? They need to take the bull by its horns and address this issue to the community and what they plan on doing to fix it, and what we should do if we ever encounter this. Make a sticky NCSoft on what you want us to do  :P

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7 minutes ago, Pixystix said:

If you were 1700+ in 3v3 you wouldn't be getting matched commonly with people who were silver and below. You can see people's names who are gold and above in 3v3 just like you can in 1v1. (Source: I'm plat in 3v3) But I've never seen anyone do what you're suggesting so I assume you're just lagging.


This is wrong, my two friends I run with sometimes are in silver, and we could get a team just like us, 1 or 2 gold and a sliver if its a premade. I understand how the ranking system works, and it is possible so people please stop coming back with "If you were 1700+ in 3v3 you wouldn't be getting matched commonly with people who were silver and below."

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2 minutes ago, Bashnir said:


This is wrong, my two friends I run with sometimes are in silver, and we could get a team just like us, 1 or 2 gold and a sliver if its a premade. I understand how the ranking system works, and it is possible so people please stop coming back with "If you were 1700+ in 3v3 you wouldn't be getting matched commonly with people who were silver and below."

You lied and said in 3v3 you don't see people's names. This is untrue and I'm not sure why you would lie about it unless you were very low rated and hadn't faced anyone in gold or higher yet, which is confusing considering it means you also lied about being 1700+, in which case it's possible you made the entire thing up as well.

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5 minutes ago, Pixystix said:

You lied and said in 3v3 you don't see people's names. This is untrue and I'm not sure why you would lie about it unless you were very low rated and hadn't faced anyone higher yet. 


WTF are you taking about. I am talking about 3v3, ME + 1 friend + 1 friend = 3 people (1gold, 2 sliver) And yes you can't see people names when you have a premade group like this. Believe it or not, I know how to read a name, and why would I lie about a 1700 gold ranking? I would much rather lie about Plat or Diamond ... lmao.

And to get more into details the team we played where "Opponent" "Name (not listing as its name shamming) "Opponent. The first Opponent was a summoner doing this. But Ok Pixystix, I forgot you where watching the match and know more about that match, so very sorry..... LMAO!

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1 hour ago, Archaegeo said:

If they are gold you see their real name while fighting them.


1 hour ago, Bashnir said:

Not when you are in 3's   ... sorry forgot to say 3's, updated title.


4 minutes ago, Bashnir said:


WTF are you taking about. I am talking about 3v3, ME + 1 friend + 1 friend = 3 people (1gold, 2 sliver) And yes you can't see people names when you have a premade group like this.

Once again, this is not true. If you are against 2 gold and one silver, and you have 1 gold and 2 silver on your team, only 1 of your opponents' names will be hidden, you always see the names of gold players and above, regardless of your rank or the rank of people on the other team.

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OK Pixystix, you CLEARLY didn't read my full post, and want to pick what you want out of it. I wrote "And to get more into details the team we played where "Opponent" "Name (not listing as its name shamming) "Opponent. The first Opponent was a summoner doing this. But Ok Pixystix, I forgot you where watching the match and know more about that match, so very sorry..... LMAO! " So this means my team = 1gold 2 sliver vs 1gold 2 sliver = not being able to see two of the peoples names and one of hose players ... a summoner was doing this. I love to see people come into these posts and try to fight about stuff that isn't even the issue.


The issue at hand is people are hacking in PVP and something needs to be done with it... LMAO some people just amaze me.

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3 minutes ago, Bashnir said:

OK Pixystix, you CLEARLY didn't read my full post, and want to pick what you want out of it. I wrote "And to get more into details the team we played where "Opponent" "Name (not listing as its name shamming) "Opponent. The first Opponent was a summoner doing this. But Ok Pixystix, I forgot you where watching the match and know more about that match, so very sorry..... LMAO! " So this means my team = 1gold 2 sliver vs 1gold 2 sliver = not being able to see two of the peoples names and one of hose players ... a summoner was doing this. I love to see people come into these posts and try to fight about stuff that isn't even the issue.


The issue at hand is people are hacking in PVP and something needs to be done with it... LMAO some people just amaze me.

Actually I've read everything you've written and in my last post I even provided you with every quote where you were wrong and/or contradicting yourself or were lying. A more graceful approach would just to admit you were wrong instead of constantly making up a new reason as to why you couldn't see their names.

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I am done with you Pixystix, I have no reason to lie, my post was about the hacking in PVP and I was unable to report the NAME of the guy because it said Opponent. You just want to sit here and troll for some reason.


1) forgot to add 3v3 in the title (nothing in my post) honest mistake.


2) you quoted me saying "WTF are you taking about. I am talking about 3v3, ME + 1 friend + 1 friend = 3 people (1gold, 2 sliver) And yes you can't see people names when you have a premade group like this. " What is wrong with this? You cant see my two friends names if you would fight us. Also you left the 2nd part of my post because it goes against what you want to troll about. I said "And to get more into details the team we played where "Opponent" "Name (not listing as its name shamming) "Opponent. The first Opponent was a summoner doing this. But Ok Pixystix, I forgot you where watching the match and know more about that match, so very sorry..... LMAO! " Please comment on the 2nd part as well if you want to troll, just don't pick and choose brah.

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Found out that destyoyers can stay in middle of arena in mid air and spin???

Gold match up name: Love Dance

I am not sure if this is what you're saying or not but if you can possition lag/bug out your hitbox, then I believe so it should be banned, since it's bug abuse and gives advantages and disadvantages?

I hope that not NCsoft but the Developers that say "Yes/No" to the game mechanics can do something about this. Otherwise PvP Arena is destroyed.

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