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Assassin gets melted too fast/weak?


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I already know I'm bad, but everytime I get to open world pvp (and sometimes in arena) I get melted so fast, from summoners and FM, and I deal them so little damage in return, even though I tried with Poh and Moonwater Arena SS, I still think I get melted too fast, also, when I try to deal damage while on stealth, I can't even hit other players, like im RIGHT behind you, I should be able to use some lightning strikes, instead of that I get the annoying lady "You can't do that right now" What da fffff? is it because I play with 200+ latency? Or assassin is that "weak"/(hardtomaster)


D: (But I still like assassin so much, also KFM)

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mostly u CAN'T beat a summoner so just pass it to your teammates. if you're stuck against one use your fire mine and poison and stack as much poison as you can on both summoner and pet. I'm pretty sure it's useless because 80% of your stealth can be broken by summoner retarded spam, hell in diamond arena summoners can break all of your 3 stealth moves in one go which is crazy, so u can't do much against them because you need your stealth to start your combos.


Some assassins head straight to the summoner ignoring the pet and trying to deal lightning rod combos which is so stupid. you might beat a noob summoner this way but a good summoner will pin you down using the pet and literally destroy you while you're on the ground. anyway "scummoners" are op.


the force master deal is one thing, u need to be patience because force masters can block your approach skills 90% of the time. whenever you get locked get into stealth. the only thing that should worry you about force master is their 24/7 healing which is bad considering that you use poison for heavy flat damage but on the other side most of the force master manual hits can be used against them since they are ranged class so they lack the view of your hand sign decoy counter which pretty much will put you in stealth almost all the time if the force master not pro enough to break your stealth like scummoners lol

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if you have 200 ping its going the be hard to win vs summoner with  any class..... im honestly surprised summoner is the only class your struggling with fighting dont listen to arathos a good assassin can be a menace. Try to avoid long combos only go in for poke dmg or when you have forced a trinket (if a summoner jumps back and turns invisible) try to keep away from the cat and use your smoke bomb when you are w8ting for your stealth combos to come off of cd. 

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