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Can no longer get PvP dailies


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as the title says for about 5 days now my PvP dailies have not reappeared, on all notice boards there is a Grey arrow above it like i am currently doing the quest, however i completed them and got the rewards over 5 days ago, i am lv 37 lyn blade dancer, and strangely all the other people ive talked to that have this problem are lyn (different classes though) anyone know why this is happening/how to fix it?

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Due to the hate for Summoners, and Pedo cat people in generally.


NC soft is currently removing Lyns from the game, starting one part at a time.


After your quest stop working, soon your skills will stop working as well, then you will not be able to select your character he will be in an un-reversible state of deletion.

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9 hours ago, AyeAye said:

Due to the hate for Summoners, and Pedo cat people in generally.


NC soft is currently removing Lyns from the game, starting one part at a time.


After your quest stop working, soon your skills will stop working as well, then you will not be able to select your character he will be in an un-reversible state of deletion.

XD yeah i can understand the hate for summoners at the moment hehe, so im guessing you dont know aswell :p

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This is really weird, you say that the quest is grayed out. Perhaps you will need higher level, but personally I have no idea. My suggestion is to submit a support ticket, they are quite good and they will reply within 2 days.

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10 hours ago, Enoll said:

by pvp dailies i would think you are talking about the arena dailies no ? If it is the red quests then you need to put ur factions outfit on, spot on Destinykraze

yeah the arena ones, and i have tried my faction uniform, also i did sent support a ticket and so far we've had no luck

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Not for meeee... I have been unable to accept any Arena dailies for the passed 2 days now. I have no idea why it is not letting me accept these dailies anymore. I went to the board inside of the arena and even the one's in towns/villages. It is just showing me that text below about the preseason tournament. It does not show anywhere in my quest log, either.

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