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Summoner ideal Soulshield set/variations ?


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Could any experienced summoner tell me what is the best soulshield build for pvp and for pve, separately?

I've got a tip that for pvp it's the Mistywoods Arena(the ones you get by farming insignias)-because of the great crit reduction and for pve, if i remember corectly, is SS 1,2,4 MUSHIN and the rest BLOODSHADE. This is where you experienced guys come in and say true/false and why, or if you have another build in mind please do tell.


Also, i would like to know about ideal fusing options..like which with which gives best stats in pvp/pve. 



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In open world pvp, go with moonwater set with perfect HP/Crit/Critdef. You may fuse it with Crit (best choice IMO) or  Crit def.


For PvE, personally I go 1-2-4-6-8 mushin and 3-5-7 BSH with max HP/Crit/Def and all fused with crit.


Some people prefer to go 5x BSH 3x Mushin for more Evasion-oriented stats... but it's really up to you.

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I use an 8 piece BSH soul shield, with 3 pieces upgraded with crit, the rest defence.


This gives me 2700 and something crit, 1400 defense, 35k hp, loads of accuracy and piercing.


I find that a summoners piercing is far lower than other classes, so this 8 piece bonus allows me to wreck in PVE and PVP.

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