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Imbalance PVP, BnS deserves negative critics


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Through our ranking leaderboard, it is so obvious that certain classes such as Summoner is literally broken and imbalance. It has given me and many people in the world who plays other classes a major rage and frustration whenever we fight against them. I have a total of 500+ matches and yet the winning ratio against these broken classes has never improved the slightest not because I'm bad but because NCSOFT has never bothered to balance the classes or perhaps they are just too damn stupid to do so. Blade & Soul deserves all the average and negative critics from various media sources, their game developers and the brainchild behind it is literally a buffoon who likes lolicon to dominate the scene. May the game dies off when a better mmorpg is released. I have regretted paying for my premium membership and all the ncoins that I've purchased but it is fine now since I've learned that ncsoft is a shitty company who does not pay attention to the needs of its customers, never ever will I pay for another one of its games.

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Not liking the game is fine, getting frustrated is fine too.  But hoping and wishing that the game dies when others might enjoy it even with its faults, just because you got angry a bit and threw your money at it before making sure it was something you wanted to enjoy playing for a longer period of time?


I can't think of anything more pathetically childish than wishing ill on a video game just because you didn't feel you got your money's worth, or didn't enjoy it as much as you thought you would.


Goodbye forever, you won't be missed, and may no MMO released in the future ever make you happy.  (Do you see how silly that sounds?)

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The PvP overall is just really poorly designed & it will not cater to some. That is my opinion though & I do come from a background of favoring PvP systems like Dark Age of Camelot or TESO. Heck, I even favor Neverwinter's PvP over B&S & that's saying something lol. Only the PvP though since B&S is a solid game in every other area. I'll play the PvP for the daily quest & will actively participate in open world PvP but it won't go beyond that. 

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PvE is easy mode and dull and PvP was its only selling point. "Balanced E-sport PvP", but its not? "Its ok, it will get better with level 50 patch", I dont see how since they wont change spammable win abillities such as LBMs TAB spin. So yeah there is a reason there is no longer que to login and its not "additional servers".

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16 minutes ago, BybisRaibas666 said:

PvE is easy mode and dull and PvP was its only selling point. "Balanced E-sport PvP", but its not? "Its ok, it will get better with level 50 patch", I dont see how since they wont change spammable win abillities such as LBMs TAB spin. So yeah there is a reason there is no longer que to login and its not "additional servers".


I'm glad you will at least see that core mechanics probably aren't changing, so the main thing that changes is giving classes more abilities/flexibility.  If people want to stay though, they're going to need to learn how to counter these things.  And if you don't like the style, you're probably better off leaving than hoping everything magically changes at 50.


Balance is highly subjective around here, but if you don't like/hate how the game is balanced, I'd definitely advise looking elsewhere for entertainment.

EDIT - I'd also argue the PvP in this game is designed better than any MMO I've ever played in the past 10 years, but again, design is a highly subjective topic.

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I didn't have many expectations of BNS going in because I knew the game has been out for 3 years in Korea and it wasn't anything I haven't seen before.  I, however, did have fairly high expectations of class balance being more thoughtful and logical in a game that allegedly promotes "competitive PvP" and "e-sports".  The whole argument of "well we aren't lv50 yet" doesn't carry much weight either because who knows how many or how few people will remain whenever that lv50 patch does come around. 


All in all, the fact that BD/summoner exist in a game with BM/sin/KFM is just silly.  One class can run around w/ minimal thought while making compounding errors and win with ease, while the others make 1 slight error and a loss is all but guaranteed.  It should be the difficult classes that are OP due to refined mechanics and experience, not button-mashing/pet/spin2win/passive resist classes that have the advantage.  It literally makes no sense at all and anyone who defends it either:


1) plays summoner or BD

2) has played BNS for over 1+ years on foreign clients studying all the classes and the meta of the game

3) thinks everyone is as skilled or experienced as they are when most people have only been playing slightly over a month


Lots of people are leaving already because they had the idea that BNS would play more akin to a traditional fighting game where skill is the most impactful factor.  After playing a few weeks and seeing how obviously imbalanced the game is, the bleed is only going to continue. 

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5 hours ago, f0xes said:

I didn't have many expectations of BNS going in because I knew the game has been out for 3 years in Korea and it wasn't anything I haven't seen before.  I, however, did have fairly high expectations of class balance being more thoughtful and logical in a game that allegedly promotes "competitive PvP" and "e-sports".  The whole argument of "well we aren't lv50 yet" doesn't carry much weight either because who knows how many or how few people will remain whenever that lv50 patch does come around. 


All in all, the fact that BD/summoner exist in a game with BM/sin/KFM is just silly.  One class can run around w/ minimal thought while making compounding errors and win with ease, while the others make 1 slight error and a loss is all but guaranteed.  It should be the difficult classes that are OP due to refined mechanics and experience, not button-mashing/pet/spin2win/passive resist classes that have the advantage.  It literally makes no sense at all and anyone who defends it either:


1) plays summoner or BD

2) has played BNS for over 1+ years on foreign clients studying all the classes and the meta of the game

3) thinks everyone is as skilled or experienced as they are when most people have only been playing slightly over a month


Lots of people are leaving already because they had the idea that BNS would play more akin to a traditional fighting game where skill is the most impactful factor.  After playing a few weeks and seeing how obviously imbalanced the game is, the bleed is only going to continue. 


It makes sense to me.  In our < 2 month stint, players do not have enough experience to overcome the challenges present in the game, nor the patience to see their practice through to reward.  As a result, classes that are "easier" still have the advantage, because those that require more in the way of practice/execution aren't seeing the time investment they need.  I just don't see why that's such a bad thing?


And by the way I:


1) Play FM.

2) Never played BnS in a foreign version, nor in any of the betas.

3) Figure everyone else has the same < 2 month experience as myself.


Did anyone play Soul Caliber 2?  I remember two specific scenarios in that game:  one, Raphael had a three-hit combo where the 2nd hit broke your block, and it happened in rapid succession.  I specifically remember having no idea what to do against that move being spammed.  Also, I had spent hours practicing combos and generally working on mechanics for one of the characters (I forget, I think Talim?), then I played a friend who used Nightmare and just did wide-swath attacks that swept around.  I had no idea how to get close to him and I was furious.


And that was a fighting game.  What do people think fighting games are?  Quintessential "every fighter is balanced" games where you never get frustrated at tactics that feel cheesy when you're learning the game?  Whatever the expectation that this game would be, the fact that each class has representation in the top 50/20/10(?) shows that skill, in the end, is the most impactful factor.  You just need to go out and claim that skill through time and effort, neither of which people care to contribute, really.


Also, if I recall, fighting games have always been niche communities that aren't nearly as big as other games, like LoL/DOTA 2.  They're niche because their evolution really requires someone to find a strategy that works well, use it to be as cheesy as possible, and force everyone to figure out a way to beat it.  Once they figure out how to beat it, the cycle continues.  You just need that stubborn mindset, instead of falling back on the developer fixing all of your issues to muscle through.  

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I have been roaming the PvP section of the forum for the past 3 days and what I have noticed.

On one side you have absolute plebs who complain of unbalance, hell yesterday I even read a topic about a 22 level assassin complaining about a certain class( i think it was FM ) and he was even like ... OH BUT DONT TELL ME I CANT ESCAPE BECAUSE I AM NOT LEVEL 45, which made me think... h-h-how ... w-w-what ? 

Then you get those competitive, willing to learn players creating topics where they don't go "OH THIS CLASS IS absolute bullshit" but they ask "how do I deal with this class?" asking for advice and then trying to improve.


Its pretty clear that some classes takes less skill to achieve something that other classes require a lot more skill, but guess what... if you learn to kill those classes afterwards at level 50 patch you will have SUCH an easy time against all classes. If pvp frustrates you that much that you rage and are willing to break your keyboard in the monitor... just go read some topics, read some guides, watch some streams, if you have questions open a topic and ask "How to deal with a specific class" not "oh this class is bullshit". 

Someone went through the whole pain to create a topic of how to counter all summoner skills... did you even read it ? Did you even try to test it with another summoner afterwards and then put it vs some real pvp games ?


If you can't be bothered to sit down and learn why do you complain ? 

Personal suggestion, go play tetris.

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