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5 reasons to stop playing bns


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At First iam not a silver crybaby or something iam a platinum Player.


Reasons why this game is dead FOR ME:


1. To much CC there are classes with 5+ cc skills but you only have 2 cc breaks - in other mmos People often complain about Long cc times (swtor or wow) 

In BNSt you can stunlock someone an kill him 100 => 0.

wether in swtor nor wow you can stunlock someone and kill him like that while your opponent cannot even do something about it = crap


2. Laggy x-servers

So many people have lag issues in a game which is so much about Timing.

Imagine a shooter game which needs almost the same timing e.g CS:GO with a 200-300ms ping^^ you will not be able to be good with such a ping.


3. Grinding 

They say you do not need gear and stuff for Arenas but it makes no difference to grind gear or to grind hongmoon Levels to be on par with other Players e.g. if someone grinds every day and have hongmoon lvl 5 He will have an advantage because he Has got 5 skill Points more to use and you guys know what 5 skill Points mean in this game ;-).


4. Korean and Beta Players:

It is garbage that People like Jaesung and other Koreans now play on NA or EU Servers and farm noob players.

They have 3+ years XP in that game every pvp guy know that XP is everything.

So you will not catch up to those guys.

They called their last tournament "World Championship" but the World did not participate in it just the asian guys participated now people in Europe/NA will play, too but will never be in a Spot to compete with guys Who played 3+ years - so the upcoming "World Championships" will have the same result as before:

a asian guy will win it.

I played swtor for almost 3-4 years only pvp it would be the same if those guys Start to play swtor Arenas against people like Mosh or me - they wouldn't stand a Chance against us cause they would never have the same XP about classes, synergies and Set ups.


This is no complain or something it is just my opinion.

Thank you for your patience iam out of here now ;-)

I want to play a game where all players Start at the same Level of play and not a game where some people are privileged because they live in Korea ;-).


I wish everyone who will stay in BNS fun and success.

Thanks for listening/reading.


Bye guys 



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