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best sin soulshield set for (crit and hp) ?


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You can also ADD crit to any piece of soul shield. I have two sets I'm using: the new shield from Harbor (with crit added in) and then a second that is 5 pieces of the tower and 3 pieces of the pvp shield (so tons of HP) with again CRIT added to every piece. The best crit shields are the ones from the first 24 man; I'm forgetting which numbers naturally have crit on them (6 and 8 maybe?), and Dokumo's blue shield from Skittering.  But mixing and matching shields and adding crit to them is smart. From what I've heard, you don't want to go over 60% crit and 110% accuracy. Penetration no more than 10%. After that HP is your friend, so mix and match specials to do what you have to do, and add stats to the shield as you need to hit other values.

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