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Imbalanced arena


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I thought arena in this game was supposed to be balanced. Instead, some fights you curb stomp your opponent, other matches all I see is "resist, resist, resist".

I guess gear DOES play a role in arena, thought it wasn't supposed to...?

Other matches I spend my entire time stun locked. No fun getting ass raped and watching yourself get rekt without any *cricket*ing ability whatsoever to fight back with.

(and no, those lame ass abilities that you have when cc'd do jack shit, they are *cricket*ing useless)


bg korea, keep putting out these shitty games and eventually NA is gonna give you assholes the boot.

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In Blade & Soul, "resist" actually means "immune" instead. Some ability or talent is active that is eliminating your attacks/status effects. For example, you won't be stunning Blade Dancers while they're spinning, you won't be harming Blade Dancers while a sword is circling them. If you want to avoid getting stunlocked, evade the stun ability or use skill points on stun escapes.


That "lame ass ability that you have when cc'd"? Let me guess, grab reversal? Well yeah, brainlessly pushing the button does nothing, it's a skill-based game. Press it exactly before the enemy hits you with an ability that reversal works on.


Gear is useless, what matters are the skill points you have. Use them wisely or get steamrolled. FMP gave you a perfect answer.

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13 minutes ago, Daskal said:

I thought arena in this game was supposed to be balanced. Instead, some fights you curb stomp your opponent, other matches all I see is "resist, resist, resist".

I guess gear DOES play a role in arena, thought it wasn't supposed to...?

Other matches I spend my entire time stun locked. No fun getting ass raped and watching yourself get rekt without any *cricket*ing ability whatsoever to fight back with.

(and no, those lame ass abilities that you have when cc'd do jack shit, they are *cricket*ing useless)


bg korea, keep putting out these shitty games and eventually NA is gonna give you assholes the boot.

So basically you blow your tab within the first 3 second and wonder why you get chain CC'd. Ok.

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13 minutes ago, FMP said:

learn 2 play loser

go *cricket* yourself *cricket*.


And none of you idiots actually read my post. I said in some matches I rek my opponents, other matches it's being stun locked the entire time. No change in skill

points, so that proves arena is simply a rock, paper, scissors scenario.

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How about you read our posts instead?


Wanna know why you're getting stunlocked? Because you suck at managing your escapes and doing the stunlocking yourself. When you "rek" others, I bet they're bronze players, newbies who are not even 45 and thus can't do shit against those with more skills & skill points.


Rock Paper Scissors, huh.

As a Blade Dancer I defeated every single class. While I'm strong against Assassins and Destroyers, they will crush me if I'm reckless or outskilled.  While I suck against Summoners and Force Masters, they'll get crushed if they're reckless or I outskill them.

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10 minutes ago, Jamein said:

So basically you blow your tab within the first 3 second and wonder why you get chain CC'd. Ok.

another idiot who can't read.  Where *cricket*, did I say I spam all my tab in the first 3 seconds? Moron.

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Just now, Daskal said:

another idiot who can't read.  Where *cricket*, did I say I spam all my tab in the first 3 seconds? Moron.


Right here:


28 minutes ago, Daskal said:

Other matches I spend my entire time stun locked.


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Well, here's some news. It is.


At the beginning of the fight, good players will be baiting you into wasting your escape skill, so that they can pull off a stunlock while your escape skill is on cooldown. And like I said, you could also evade the stuns by learning how to fight each class and timing your immunity skills so that you resist the stun.

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7 minutes ago, Vexe said:


How about you read our posts instead?


Wanna know why you're getting stunlocked? Because you suck at managing your escapes and doing the stunlocking yourself. When you "rek" others, I bet they're bronze players, newbies who are not even 45 and thus can't do shit against those with more skills & skill points.


Rock Paper Scissors, huh.

As a Blade Dancer I defeated every single class. While I'm strong against Assassins and Destroyers, they will crush me if I'm reckless or outskilled.  While I suck against Summoners and Force Masters, they'll get crushed if they're reckless or I outskill them.

Hahahahaha, as a blade dancer....

You just lost ALL credibility.

keep playing a OP class that takes about as much skill as wiping your arse.

Any fresh noob BD can own every other class, LBD takes zero skill whatsoever, nice try.

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Ahahahah, a fresh noob BD can own every other class, huh. You're the one who threw away his credibility here (not like you had any, coz you literally know nothing about the game, this has been obvious from the very first post in the topic). Fresh noobs will be getting destroyed by everyone, even Summoners will.


Blade Dancers do have an advantage, because it's a class that's easy to play, but you need to improve if you want to ever win against Summoners and Assassins. These two need you to understand the class and how to counter them

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By the way, I do notice how you're ignoring every sentence where someone completely proves you wrong. This reached a point where you ran from every argument in the topic and picked an easy way out of the conversation.


As for the point? The point is that regardless of your class, skill matters most. Some are harder, some are easier, but if you master your class, you will defeat your enemy.

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28 minutes ago, Daskal said:

go *cricket* yourself *cricket*.


And none of you idiots actually read my post. I said in some matches I rek my opponents, other matches it's being stun locked the entire time. No change in skill

points, so that proves arena is simply a rock, paper, scissors scenario.

You seem mad. 

If you're spending your entire time stunlocked, then you're not using your tab or other escapes correctly and giving the opponent the chance to just chain CC you 100-0.

Also, you should be changing your skill points based on the classes you are playing against.

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1 minute ago, DarkOrso said:

but, with equals skill, its hard to win for assassin vs blade cancer, how with destroyer i need to wait end of time for win...its boring...and summoner...bah
sry for english 


True, I usually win against Assassins because Blade Dancers are kinda the weakness of Assassins. However, I also had one take more than half of my hp in a stunlock, coz I screwed up and then won against me in an almost equal  fight next round. It's pretty much all about predicting the Assassin's next attack for me.

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2 minutes ago, Vexe said:

By the way, I do notice how you're ignoring every sentence where someone completely proves you wrong. This reached a point where you ran from every argument in the topic and picked an easy way out of the conversation.


As for the point? The point is that regardless of your class, skill matters most. Some are harder, some are easier, but if you master your class, you will defeat your enemy.

Just because they say something doesn't prove me wrong and them right. Don't play the reverse psychology bit with me, it won't work.

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5 minutes ago, Daskal said:

Just because they say something doesn't prove me wrong and them right. Don't play the reverse psychology bit with me, it won't work.


But ignoring everything others say, unable to counter their arguments, pretty much leads to you being wrong.

Go ahead. This post is your chance to prove me wrong.

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8 minutes ago, Vexe said:

True, I usually win against Assassins because Blade Dancers are kinda the weakness of Assassins. However, I also had one take more than half of my hp in a stunlock, coz I screwed up and then won against me in an almost equal  fight next round. It's pretty much all about predicting the Assassin's next attack for me.


it is absolutely true, but it happens to me to beat BD, but it's frustrating to engage in chain CC soon as you finish the chain finish, they engage me and lost more than 40% of life with a single combo. It applies to DB and destroyer ...
destroyer with 10% health, I with 100%, one stun, knock down and 0% of healt

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After you finish attacking a Blade Dancer, you need to disappear immediately. If I can see you, I can pull you out of stealth (pull+daze), teleport to you (high damage and/or stun) or knock you down.


I had trouble fighting against that guy coz he spent his time in stealth, making me unable to reach him and stunning me whenever he was visible.



Getting caught offguard by a Destroyer is a game over, yeah. We get torn apart the very moment we make a mistake, too.

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6 minutes ago, Vexe said:


But ignoring everything others say, unable to counter their arguments, pretty much leads to you being wrong.

Go ahead. This post is your chance to prove me wrong.

I don't have to prove you wrong. Where the hell do you come off as being better in this argument? Just because you say others have proved me wrong doesn't make it so.

Understand? I don't think you do, or are capable of..

You and others have done nothing to actually PROVE your side, it's just simply saying your side. Much like my side is my side, but you seem to take this higher stance that I've been proven wrong simply because others and/or yourself have said so? That's the height of ignorance. But I'm sure you'll try to spin it again.

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i go in stealth , but, take immediately damage from spin and go out of stealth, it's frustrating... just spin, resist on all CC, when can rest in stealth and evade attack i can win, but most of match its hard, i dont want win all match,  I want to fight, have fun, and no be unable to do anything

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27 minutes ago, DarkOrso said:

i go in stealth , but, take immediately damage from spin and go out of stealth, it's frustrating... just spin, resist on all CC, when can rest in stealth and evade attack i can win, but most of match its hard, i dont want win all match,


Dunno, often I can't grab Assassins with Dual Strike (pull) and Vortex after they restealth.


27 minutes ago, DarkOrso said:

I want to fight, have fun, and no be unable to do anything


That's how I feel when I fight Assassins and skilled Summoners. xp


29 minutes ago, Daskal said:

I don't have to prove you wrong. Where the hell do you come off as being better in this argument? Just because you say others have proved me wrong doesn't make it so.


Did you notice? Not a single person defended you and everyone disagreed with you. I even thoroughly explained to you why you are wrong (but of course you ignored everything, because accepting it would be admitting that you're wrong).


And you are actually  talking about ignorance, lol

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