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Nerf Summoner !


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All i want is a summoner cannot be able use her summon skills (cat control) if the player is stuned daze or airborne (launched int the air) !

This is disgusting, how the little summoner can get out from any combo simply with the cat knockdown .... and yeah he ogt and evasion skill with this.

I knwo this class made for girls or kids but in this way even a braindead can use it well.


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11 minutes ago, Somisan said:

All i want is a summoner cannot be able use her summon skills (cat control) if the player is stuned daze or airborne (launched int the air) !

This is disgusting, how the little summoner can get out from any combo simply with the cat knockdown .... and yeah he ogt and evasion skill with this.

I knwo this class made for girls or kids but in this way even a braindead can use it well.


I know I know, seem like you play destroyer like me xD

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2 minutes ago, Valiant said:

I know I know, seem like you play destroyer like me xD

Pls tell me your sarcastic and do not really have problems vs summoner as destroyer. Just a little hint: Destroyer counters summoner so hard because there is barely any moment the cat can interrupt the destro.

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1 minute ago, Nholan said:

Pls tell me your sarcastic and do not really have problems vs summoner as destroyer. Just a little hint: Destroyer counters summoner so hard because there is barely any moment the cat can interrupt the destro.

you sure cat don't interrupt destroyer ?

Destroyer once he pick up summoner cat knock him down, If I tried to airborne them they ignore my 100% evade and know me down.


Lol Destroyer got nerfed hard that it can't control both of summoner and cat now, Beside Destroyer didn't receive good legendary skills like summoner aswell

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Summoner received flower legendary, which is useless without the lmb legendary because u never have photosynthesis up in pvp without it. There are two moments a summoner can interrupt the destro,

1. good timing on piledrive(this is intented btw) ,the only reliable one and thus very predictable. As destroyer u just have to spam f in air to instantly retreat out of the daze.

2.The destroyer is to stupid to turn his face in front of the cat while grabbing the summoner, than yes u can interrupt him otherwise he blocks.


Thats it otherwise u have to find mistakes from the destroyer where he does not spin, or have cc immunity through other mechanics.


While summoner is easy to play this match up takes more skill from the summoner, because u can 100-0 the cat or the summoner at any point, while the summoner has to kite 2mins without any major mistakes.


So the destroyer can do several mistakes, because he can always turn the game due to the huge burst. When the summoner did fail to counter any crucial gap closer he just lost. Its very unforgiving on the summoner side, while it is very forgiving for the destro.

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