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SM and BD Top 100 in NA (nerf need it)


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well the title say it all. 90% of the top 100 of all ranking are SM and BD they are 5 FM and some luck KFM.  this actually a fact just see the ranking. those class need to be nerfed. im a FM so i dont see anyproblems to get in rank 150 or more. but there is a wall there. good player + SM or BD is just insane

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smn is super keyboard faceroll class, but they also require skills... so if 'good people' is playing summoners its just gg.


there are some counter play for each class


but in reality, summoners have even more counter plays + buffed heal + cat smashing u from behind when they are stun locked


" use ur i frame after ur stun lock! " 


life is not that easy, its not always up and mostly used to get close to smn


yes this is qq they heal way to much haha

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Class that requires a lower skill level just means people will flock to that class to get a high rank.

Only the "good" summoners and Blade Dancers will shine and actually get passed Gold and will be Plat or Diamond most likely.

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