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Nerf destroyer.


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Please spin to win is divine next to their animation cancel. Making them the highest damage output pvp wise in arena by far. I wouldn't mind as much if they had to semi finish the animation, but IMO that animation cancel in contrast to every other class is beyond ridiculous. Add in their spin and you have a class that is rofl worthy. Especially in 3v3 when they can drop down and burn 45% of your hp min in 3 seconds using just animation canceling, So skillful LMB and RMB, If only BM had that. That is my biggest gripe with the class. The Spin to Win is tolerable and can be countered. (Though boring to do so) But that animation cancel is a good way to watch your hp go from 100% to 35% in seconds. 


Tab+Lmb+RMB= Destroyer in a nutshell. And people say summoner plays itself. 


EDIT: Before anyone flips out I am not saying Destroyer is Broken just very, very boring. And very simplistic. Which makes some sense I guess seeing how it is a brute. 

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