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Chapter 28 The Dying of the Light/Mushin's Tower


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So just to get this straight, we need to get past Floor 4 and finish the side quest to continue right?

Or is the letter from Our Dear Friend Snake Skin but currently not in them Lady, The last quest? As in Until an update in which they add the new area/next arc, That quest will remain there... 


Just making sure I'm not trying to do Mushin unprepared Since people are calling it "End-Game" which for me means it's the thing you do when the story ends. 

PS: Managed to get to the 4th floor but 700k might be too much for my gear, surprised I even got it's health to 50% with a "Decent" Shield and only Awakend Infernal Equips... and my Puny 24k HP, Also I'm an Assassin current method of fighting: HIDE, Just remain Hiding as long as possible usually by chaining Dash and Decoys. Not very Efficient but it works for now. The shield I'm using is the Moonwater Renown Set. You know the one from the Porky Hamlet Stone Trader

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