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Im glad you guys think this is balanced. Im out. Have fun killing cats


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 Alright a little bias here as i am a blade master player and have been since day one. However, as a blade master, its my duty to learn each class and what it does. So i've been gold. My W/l isn't awful, but i play A LOT. And i've done far better than this in nearly every other fighting game i've ever played. I played soul caliber, tekken, and street fighter all competitively and a whole heck of a lot of super smash. And yea a lot of mmo's too.


I have two friends that followed this game like some kind of cult. Fanboys to say the least. They swore by its balance calling it the most balanced fighting game they've ever seen and have been waiting YEARS for this.


So right off the bat i can tell you that summoner class isn't even applicable to the balance verdict so lets just leave that out shall we? Lets just pretend for a moment that they didn't add an NPC controlled unit to the pvp fighting game.


So the reason that last ESL tournament was won by a force master was due to the severe lack of blade masters in the running. Woah, did i just make a hard counter reference???? YEA i did. Thats a red flag.


In fact, whenever i get the force master match up i allow the FM to get me down half for free so i can actually enjoy myself to some extent since i usually take ZERO hp loss. Why? This may blow your mind but i have an ability that makes over half the FM abilities heal me for 10 seconds. Bet a lot of you didn't know about that did ya?


Ok so lets bring up the assassin. Usually when im facing one of these my entire match feels like it relys on the internet connection of my opponent, because with that many escapes and disables (including something that disables my block) there's no way i'm ever doing an actual combo. So it just ends up being me fishing for honed slash bursts, which, don't really do much considering im dead in 2 assassin combo's. 


Enough about me, lets talk about destroyers vs everyone else. So as far as i know destroyers are unable to realistically dominate the FM and stand almost no chance against a blade dancer. Why? Because both of those classes take advantage of the destroyer. The FM has abilities which actually remove a lot of the destroyers capability entirely, but thats ok, because that destroyer can turn around and eat a KFM or a BM for breakfast since the destroyer has an ability which takes advantage of them. I hope you see the pattern by now. 


Verdict: This PVP is somewhat fun, but has no potential in its current state. You're going to see a very dominant class at the top of the food chain which just so happens to either not have a strong hardcounter OR its hard counter is being eliminated in the lower ranks by its own hardcounters. Lets not forget that at the core of this game is a very simple rotation based combat system for some of its classes which completely poop on the identity of this "fighting game". 


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I could want have such problem... I can't even fight on the Arena because high ping only there and cross-server dungeon, but NCSoft don't care.

But... according to your post. As I read many forums, a lot of good players says that summoner is best PvP class. So no doubt there is something in this.

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3 hours ago, devranek said:

I could want have such problem... I can't even fight on the Arena because high ping only there and cross-server dungeon, but NCSoft don't care.

But... according to your post. As I read many forums, a lot of good players says that summoner is best PvP class. So no doubt there is something in this.

You have high ping becuase you are playing from a region the game is not in.... dont blame ncsoft for your own problems..... 

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13 minutes ago, Caex said:

You have high ping becuase you are playing from a region the game is not in.... dont blame ncsoft for your own problems..... 


Actually, No. -_- 

There are many people having 250-300ms ping spikes in the cross-dungeon and arena servers. I myself get 40ms in open world from NY and arena is unplayable. It's definitely NCSoft's problem.

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As a BM player that was skirting Plat for a month, and from day one.  The problem is, you are playing a BM.  The current META has BMs with the most restrictions. Such as:


Combo is easily breakable after the first cycle, means low sustained DPS.  

You have to rely on block to anicancel and it locks you in place.

Low mobility.

Assassins are a natural counter to BM, and those will be the majority of your fights, or summoners.

Jumping in the air breaks charges, which account for nearly all of our combos.  Against better players, if they arent engaging, they are bunny hopping their way to victory.

Defense builds are not at all viable in 1v1, which gives us a few very narrow builds to work from.


Do what I did, just roll another class.  At this point, most players could care less about BMs, they are not even included when players talk about class balance.  I've seen some Diamond players cracking jokes about how BM is the only true PvE class in B&S.  So if you want to do some pve, knock yourself out!  If you want 1v1 PVP, roll another class.


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