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@Devs, Recent Patch and PvP Balance


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This is an open message with a few questions to the developers, as I understand they controlled the balance of classes in the game. Now, I understand balance is the best possible thing for games, especially when you've got something so large in PvP, but my biggest question is this:

If you were going for balance, what the hell do you call what you've done to the game?


Let's face it, with the current state of most classes, you see players playing Blade Master flat out quit Arenas, and other classes, Assassin included, have an insanely hard time climbing. Balance was taken completely out of the equation, and a large portion of the community is pissed at whatever balance you believe has come to the game.


A little insight into why these changes were made would be great. Blade Masters are dead in PvP unless they're absolutely above all exceptional, and if you look at the current numbers of classes in Gold and higher, you'll see the "balance" you brought to the game is clearly immensely unbalanced.

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I'm guessing this was a balance patch aimed at level 50 gameplay, as it comes out both here and in Korea (where they got the new class and all). I think I'm just gonna wait until we get even with Korea to start playing again... I don't see the point of getting worked up about anything right now.

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Just now, xarvin said:

I'm guessing this was a balance patch aimed at level 50 gameplay, as it comes out both here and in Korea (where they got the new class and all). I thing I'm just gonna wait until we get even with Korea to start playing again... I don't see the point of getting worked up about anything right now.

You'll be waiting a while. We won't be even with Korea for a few months at the very least. At most, it could potentially be a year if ArcheAge is any indication of evening out balance with old Korean patches. I mean, we're supposed to be working on figuring out the best way to play our class, but when you've got classes like LBD that can now literally spin their way to a win, you can't do anything. Like, look at the state of Gold and higher. BM, FM and Sin are lowest on the list. Before, it was fairly even.

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What the heck did they do? Can't they even balanace one freaking thing? I just one-shotted a guy during interefere in tag match as FM. Then I got matched against FM, got grabbed because he loaded faster to arena, stunned, meteor showered, inferno and boom, 40k hp gone. And Blade Cancers? Since when are they resisting, deflecting and evading while standing still?


Aaaand I just killed Assassin from 80% hp with Meteor Shower and Blazing Palm spam. Yeah, balance. Don't tell me "Flame Soul" boosted my damage by 300% :O

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Yeah I agree there is no balance what so Ever in this game. I personally quitting this game for the reason that its a arena based game made for 1v1 and seems like so many classes have hard counters which require extreme outplay to beat. If you factor both are at the same equal skill cap   Sin will always beat KFM        FM will always beat sin    Summoner as well unless you play perfectly which is hard with pings / delay sometimes .  I would understand some of these counters if this game had more open world pvp and was rewarding but sadly there is none. When I arena I fight nothing but Summoners And Fm and im sick of it . I sit there in que hoping to get Destro / Bm /Kfm or another sin or even easy mode Lyn Bm but super rare for me almost as if game expects you to fight counters. Sorry in not diamond level to be beating my counters with sin ,

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2 minutes ago, 821894_1452549953 said:

Yeah I agree there is no balance what so Ever in this game. I personally quitting this game for the reason that its a arena based game made for 1v1 and seems like so many classes have hard counters which require extreme outplay to beat. If you factor both are at the same equal skill cap   Sin will always beat KFM        FM will always beat sin    Summoner as well unless you play perfectly which is hard with pings / delay sometimes .  I would understand some of these counters if this game had more open world pvp and was rewarding but sadly there is none. When I arena I fight nothing but Summoners And Fm and im sick of it . I sit there in que hoping to get Destro / Bm /Kfm or another sin or even easy mode Lyn Bm but super rare for me almost as if game expects you to fight counters. Sorry in not diamond level to be beating my counters with sin ,

I was a plat sin before the patch. I'm complaining not because of skill lacking, but because they clearly *cricket*ed up so much that their "balance" broke the PvP.

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