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Summoner Cat Taunt


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Yes lets laugh about it asshat, summoner has no chance in hell of doing Mushin past 7th floor if this is not fixed. There are other people in general discussion finding the same issue. Remember, summoner has 1 iframe move on long CD, and the seed shroud is nice if the mob don't see through it like 7th floor boss is doing. So if the cat cannot hold aggro we get to do nothing but run around trying not to die which = 0 dps and enrage timer every time. GG NC you broke our cat tank which royally screws this class into nothingness.


You must really suck if you can't clear it with that small issue lol. I cleared it everytime so far on first try without any problems.

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Both Cat taunt and Doom 'n' Bloom are working as intended. Source: http://bns.plaync.com/news/updateall/article/4366


"'웅크리기' 3급 2초식 무공 시간이 종료된 이후에도 '도발' 효과가 지속되는 문제를 수정하였습니다."

Fixed a bug where the taunt effect would persist even after Tier 3, Stage 2 "Crouching Tiger" skill duration has ended.


"'나팔꽃흡수' 무공의 피해량 흡수 효과가 타깃에게만 적용되도록 변경하였습니다."

Changed "Doom 'n' Bloom" skill to only drain HP from the primary target.



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