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Unless you are an assassin or Summoner pvp is pointless in this game right now


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7 minutes ago, Malix said:

All assassins do is cheese ranged attacks and stealth and summoners are just plain broken

Who'd have thought? The game has existed for over 3 years in other markets, but you with your ~month of experience have managed to find all of the games flaws, totally unnoticed by everyone else, and summarize them in a single sentence, sans punctuation.


You're a true hero sir. Please, stop wasting your time here! Fly, find other games, play them for a few weeks, and post your insightful, fully informed, scathing review of their flaws; we no longer need you here.

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are you mentally retarded? are you blind or a fanboy. Are you that blind to the fact that this game is NOWHERE NEAR AS BALANCED AS OVERSEAS. no shit the game has been out for 3 years but guess what happens when you release patches not designed for the current build. Yea thats what i thought shut up.

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1 hour ago, Malix said:

All assassins do is cheese ranged attacks and stealth and summoners are just plain broken

Yep, this game is crap atm. Meta is BS and no chance to win with other classes in the game. Should be a token to change class at lvl 45 so we dont have to endure to lvl up again a class that is crap. Fun part : summoner even got a buff this patch :))

This is not e-sports boys, had high hopes for this game... 

Dont listen to the trolls that say "Get gud" "L2P" they wont post platinum with a decent winrate this lifetime

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7 minutes ago, nahoot said:

Yep, this game is crap atm. Meta is BS and no chance to win with other classes in the game. Should be a token to change class at lvl 45 so we dont have to endure to lvl up again a class that is crap. Fun part : summoner even got a buff this patch :))

This is not e-sports boys, had high hopes for this game... 

Dont listen to the trolls that say "Get gud" "L2P" they wont post platinum with a decent winrate this lifetime

Funny how the game is in E-sports in Korea.


We're not trolls, you guys are just bad at the game. 


Every class is in diamonds, but i guess they're just really lucky and posses no skill, amirite?

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1 hour ago, Goreshade said:

Who'd have thought? The game has existed for over 3 years in other markets, but you with your ~month of experience have managed to find all of the games flaws, totally unnoticed by everyone else, and summarize them in a single sentence, sans punctuation.


You're a true hero sir. Please, stop wasting your time here! Fly, find other games, play them for a few weeks, and post your insightful, fully informed, scathing review of their flaws; we no longer need you here.

OP trolled you so hard.


I love it.

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20 minutes ago, Twitchybird said:

Wow, now that is some constructive feedback. You're just bad, learn to play.

ironic you say that considering you have none to offer as well. Learn to stop sounding like a broken record, you ar eprolly a sin/smn lol

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20 minutes ago, Twitchybird said:

Funny how the game is in E-sports in Korea.


We're not trolls, you guys are just bad at the game. 


Every class is in diamonds, but i guess they're just really lucky and posses no skill, amirite?

again korea has much better balance, this game is playing catch up so balance is all over the place. Unless you are those two classes it is pointless to pvp.

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13 minutes ago, Malix said:

again korea has much better balance, this game is playing catch up so balance is all over the place. Unless you are those two classes it is pointless to pvp.


Again, there are highly ranked players of all classes. Did they just get lucky? Or are they in fact just good at the game?

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i tottaly agre, assissin and summoner ar way over powering and the funny part is that summuner even got a buff this patch ( i duno what the hick they thinking?!) and for ppl who will say learn to play your class and  all that old chest nuts!!! i would say give me a balanced game and i will show how i can play my class, assissins all what they do is hide and use the counter move that tele them behind you  i didnt c any assissin play in any other way!! and summuner hits like a cannon now!! i tried the pvp after new patch all what it took is one stun and he took me for full to 0!!,  SULATION!!! summer need to be nerfd and assissin move (the hide) need to have a cool down like any other strong spell!! i am realy starting to feed up i thought this patch might change things for the better , i was wrong


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