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NCSoft does not know what they are *cricket*ing doing!

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I take it you're a Destroyer?


Did you think Destroyers were in a bad place to begin with? Did you miss the dozens of topics saying Destroyers were (one of) the most OP classes at launch?

Granted, NCSoft aren't the ones coming up with these balance patches, but even if they were, it would be difficult to see any problem with it.


Now, let's take a look at the nerfs Destroyers got:

  • Power Slam (Z)
    • Power Slam (Stage 2) now inflicts Daze on enemies within range for 1 second, down from 3 seconds.
  • Pile Driver (F)
    • The Knock Down effect is now only applied on the target, not all enemies affected in the area effect.

Pile Driver affecting a single target instead of AoE is far less of an Arena issue, since it's 1v1 anyway.

So you're making a fuss about a reduced Daze duration on a single skill? Get real.

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1 hour ago, GamingWithTheReaperKing said:

NCSoft seriously buffed every other class but nerfed the Destroyer.... are they *cricket*ing retarded?


Hahaha woooow, they nerfed the most OP class in the game, what a shame! They were in dire need of a nerf, and it was a miniscule nerf as well.

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43 minutes ago, Twitchybird said:


Hahaha woooow, they nerfed the most OP class in the game, what a shame! They were in dire need of a nerf, and it was a miniscule nerf as well.

The most OP class in the game? Are you people retarded What about the *cricket*ing Kung Fu Master? Force Master? Summoner? you all are *cricket*ing idiots 

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28 minutes ago, GamingWithTheReaperKing said:

The most OP class in the game? Are you people retarded What about the *cricket*ing Kung Fu Master? Force Master? Summoner? you all are *cricket*ing idiots 

Breathe. How can you compare KFM to Destroyer in terms of pvp? Big difference in skill to spin to win. 

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