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Something wrong with 1/27 Maintenance


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Link to Post: https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/154651-na-emergency-maintenance-1232016/


This is the maintenance that started the issue for many NA clients. Something changed within the servers themselves or the client, not sure which.


Prior to this maintenance, people were able to do open world bosses with minimal to no fps loss in fully populated channels. After this patch/hotfix it seems as though that's when everyone had to resort to other means to try to downscale their graphics to optimize performance in highly congested areas. As I stated before, highly congested areas were not an issue before this maintenance/hotfix. 


Please go back to your details and see what was changed as it has affected many NA users as some are scrambling to figure out alternative ways to increase FPS, minimize lag, delay, etc.


Thanks NCSoft.

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/agree 100%!


For once my game was running smoothly, I could go in and out of dungeons with no load screen. Now I can't even play at night during high time because I DC at every portal, or the load screens take so long I either DC or by the time I load half the dungeon is done. 

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