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"Elitist" in Blackram Supply Chain


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Okk so I had my first run in Blackram Supply Chain (6 - man) , 


I was allowed in because I finally upgraded to true profane, and unfortunately the group wasn't very nice they already started ordering others around and told me I need to repair my weapon even though my weapon was at 40 lol..anyways okay so I am very new to this and apparently I only had 800 crit ( I am summoner) I would like to know how am I suppose to get to the amount crit needed? maybe it is my jewlery? 


Your help is much needed xD



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concerning the repair thing.. shit happens somtimes.. like when i did a run there we got wiped a few times and at the end 2 ppl got there wep broken cause they didnt have full repaired wep and no1 had those field repair hammers.. and from what i understand theres no way to repair inside the instance... that guy probably had the same exp and didnt want it to happen again..as for your crt.. not sure on about summoners but maybe its your soulshields? if your using the misty faction set then those dont have crt i think unless u fuse them with.. if its the blackram set then maybe you didnt get lucky and didnt get alot of crt stats on them.. 

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23 minutes ago, AshBear said:

HellOkk so I had my first run in Blackram Supply Chain (6 - man) , 


I was allowed in because I finally upgraded to true profane, and unfortunately the group wasn't very nice they already started ordering others around and told me I need to repair my weapon even though my weapon was at 40 lol..anyways okay so I am very new to this and apparently I only had 800 crit ( I am summoner) I would like to know how am I suppose to get to the amount crit needed? maybe it is my jewlery? 


Your help is much needed xD




And gratz. Sadly most of the endgame dungeons(actually we only have po) needs some minimum gear level but there arent any for 6 man po, to be realistic. By this, I mean having awakened infernal accesories, maybe moonwater arena soulshield(you can have lower level ones too) and an infernal weapon is sufficient. Mostly gear is a problem in 4 man versions of the dungeons because not only you enter with 2 less, but also the difficulty raises and you cannot see any attack timers/warning anymore. Also, some bosses gets a ragetimer which makes it impossible to kill them after a certain time that leads your party to get wiped out. So in 4man, your damage is much more important than 6 man versions of the dungeons. So if youre weapon is already at its 42 level stage, its enough for everything. Having  max level awakened infernal accesories and a 42 level weap but also moonwater/blackram supply soul shields will be enough for 4 man dungeons. If you've got experienced people in your party, having a really good weapon or gear isnt necessary but survivability, having like 30k hp for now is enough. At the moment I've got 1461 critical, 200 comes from my bracelet and I've got like 300 bonus from the crit enhancements applied to my purple blackram soul shield. So having around 1200-1400 will be okay for now.

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25 minutes ago, AshBear said:

@digidigdjOh okay understandable it was my first run so had no idea those things happen ty for telling me :) I will go in more prepared now 



@LilynettoHeey Thanks! :D

 & Thank you for telling me this what soul shields should I fuse together? new to the whole fusing thing

You have to use dokumo or elite critical soul shield that drops from fleet chain(24 man,6 or 4 man). Or you can use the specific ones that crafted through soulwardens.

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