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Strongest to weakest - opinions?


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There is a clear divide between 3 classes and the other 4, IMO they have too much control / burst / defense all in one class where as other classes lack in one of these departments so:


1: Destroyers - Spin 2 win isn't just a nick name ^^

2: Summoner - Too much burst + damage mitigation + 2 bodies which messes up targeting

3: Blade cancer - Resist resist air combo resist resist air combo... all there is too it really xD

4: Assassin - Some would say sin should be higher up but once you play vs them you can spot the counters easily but for some they can destroy you without you seeing them

5: KFM - Lack control, the combos are slightly more difficult to pull off but landing them is definitely very rewarding for them

6: Force master - Not that much burst, attacks resisted by everything, pulling off a huge combo is difficult and no where near as rewarding / easy / damaging as the top 3

7: BM - Just a lackluster version of BD really.


Again this is all from experience and my opinion but I would be interested to see how everyone else would rank the classes taking both Tag and 1v1 into account. 

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from a Blade Cancer/Blade not cancer player.


Summoners - Too strong, will get weaker later tho.

Assassins - have most of the tools, not amazing though, unless it's a really good player.

BD/BM - feels mostly the same to me BM feels tankier with more defensive options, BD feels like we have to be constantly on the offensive.

KFM - requires someone to reallllllyyyy know what they're doing, but, if they do they are monsters

Destroyer - easy to deal with just avoid the orange spin and cancel out the mediocre one, I don't have much issues with them

FM - By far the worst class ATM they don't have the tools to lock someone down specially not BDs and overall feel like they're too weak, not enough damage for their squishyness. 

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4 minutes ago, Flareon said:

from a Blade Cancer/Blade not cancer player.


Summoners - Too strong, will get weaker later tho.

Assassins - have most of the tools, not amazing though, unless it's a really good player.

BD/BM - feels mostly the same to me BM feels tankier with more defensive options, BD feels like we have to be constantly on the offensive.

KFM - requires someone to reallllllyyyy know what they're doing, but, if they do they are monsters

Destroyer - easy to deal with just avoid the orange spin and cancel out the mediocre one, I don't have much issues with them

FM - By far the worst class ATM they don't have the tools to lock someone down specially not BDs and overall feel like they're too weak, not enough damage for their squishyness. 

Is that in order of strong to weak? if so very surprised to see destro 1 above FM, from a BD pov though I could see why...

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10 minutes ago, Vecejj said:

Is that in order of strong to weak? if so very surprised to see destro 1 above FM, from a BD pov though I could see why...

I put them there because I have lost to destroyers, but, I have lost to maybe 2 FMs total in my time playing, I also have more trouble vs Destroyers on my BM and Assassin as opposed to FM just feels lackluster vs all 3 of my characters. 


I feel like Summoners are on top, FMs are at the bottom and the middle is all based on match up/skill

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