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Please do RNG boxes right


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Don't go overboard with them and use them as bandaid fixes or a way to milk money from consumers. Make it so you can buy the items directly from the store and have the RNG boxes be more for random items and a chance to get the good stuff cheaper than from buying it directly. And don't pull an Archeage and start putting items you normally can get from in-game grinding or effort into a box. And especially don't use them to fix low supply of an item you need for the economy to be in a functional state. I mean, it's nice and all to throw in some stuff like soulstones and transformation stones. But don't make that be a main source for items like that. If there's a problem with the amount of soulstones or transformation stones entering into the economy, manually adjust the rates instead of trying to get people to buy a chance for them

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1 minute ago, Qondar said:

I think a huge factor in doing gambling boxes right is: Make everything from them tradeable.  (See TERA and SWTOR.)

That's also a good point. AA made pretty much all the good stuff from their RNG boxes BoP. They claimed it was to "combat credit card fraud" but conveniently left in a way to unbind the costumes by transmogging it onto a tradeable costume(commonly done with a costume and consumables from the cash shop). Really they were just trying to get people to double dip with microtransactions

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