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I love BnS but it's starting to go downhill


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2 minutes ago, OldMansChild said:


Easy resources is fine. I'd rather play the game for that stuff. I mean premium gives some gold drops from mobs and quests and I haven't heard people saying that is p2w.


No, extra damage or stats would be pay to win by definition. You get easier wins because you paid. How is that hard to understand?


Erm you get easier win in PvE by having more upgrades than others from RLM, how is that not pay to win?

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1 minute ago, Samyaza said:


Erm you get easier win in PvE by having more upgrades than others from RLM, how is that not pay to win?


Grind the game, finish your items, then do world pvp? Until then don't put on the uniform if you're scared of people with better equipment that you haven't got yet. That's pay for convenience to finish items faster. Good news too, they'll make boss fights quicker.

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1 minute ago, OldMansChild said:


Easy resources is fine. I'd rather play the game for that stuff. I mean premium gives some gold drops from mobs and quests and I haven't heard people saying that is p2w.


No, extra damage or stats would be pay to win by definition. You get easier wins because you paid. How is that hard to understand?


That's the point. Throwing cash at your computer to win and do w.e you want, while someone has to spend their life away to obtain the same stats is b.s in a f2p. Lol It makes regular users think, "why am I even here? I can't participate in this... or this...or this..because the level/stat gap made it impossible for me to catch up regularly" lol and there has been some games quite new that are pretty much dead because it became so p2w and they kept digging their grave that everyone just left. It was no fun to know ahead of time you had no chance, and will never have that chance unless you spend hundreds to thousands.

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While I loathe RNG boxes it is absurd to dramatize this with a title "going downhill fast" and use words like "down the drain fast" in regards to a game that has been out all of like 2 weeks.


People take a reasonable point of view and blow it into ultimatum doomsday status because they don't think people will listen to them otherwise.  I find that more detrimental to the game than an RNG box.

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 If they keep doing this I will stop paying for their membership cause I can't support a company that does this. I'm almost positive they said somewhere they wouldn't have these RNG boxes. Anyone with a brain can see that those RNG boxes were just to test the waters. They are planning to expand on it more if we take the bait.

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14 minutes ago, RocknRolla said:


 "the level/stat gap made it impossible for me to catch up regularly"


It was no fun to know ahead of time you had no chance, and will never have that chance unless you spend hundreds to thousands.

Yeah, catching up would be an issue. I think arena PvP and the ability to complete dungeons / PvE bosses without the best end game stats mitigates this. I've been in games that had a HUGE grind in order to get to the end where everyone else was already. It's not fun, I agree. I just don't think this game is at that point right now.


13 minutes ago, Samyaza said:

So if max level weapon was worth like 10K gold not the few hundred it is right now, paying to get it months before regular players would still be fine, because it's just conveniet, that's just stupid.

Using a hypothetical to prove your argument is weak. As it stands, it's fine. MMORPG are supposed to have a grind to get to the end, that's a main reason why they are rewarding. Buying convenience is not Pay to win. If the prices were that inflated, I'd agree that it is stupid and not worth playing.

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34 minutes ago, OldMansChild said:

Yeah, catching up would be an issue. I think arena PvP and the ability to complete dungeons / PvE bosses without the best end game stats mitigates this. I've been in games that had a HUGE grind in order to get to the end where everyone else was already. It's not fun, I agree. I just don't think this game is at that point right now.


Using a hypothetical to prove your argument is weak. As it stands, it's fine. MMORPG are supposed to have a grind to get to the end, that's a main reason why they are rewarding. Buying convenience is not Pay to win. If the prices were that inflated, I'd agree that it is stupid and not worth playing.


It's not hypothetical, they will cost literally thousands. It's called not being shortsighted.

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They are testing the waters to see what people are willing to spend. Like the costume prices are all over the place, less detailed and bland costume more expensive than highly detailed ones for what reason? Other than 'they can' and fact they probably seeing how stupid everyone is to pay loads of cash for sub-par shit. It starts with an RNG box for costume and itll end with creating cash shop specific events "who can spend the most in shortest period of time to get weps/costumes/stats" etc etc people are complaining NOW to prevent stupid crap in the future. It's kinda like america's war right now. If people listened to 'the crazy people who were saying the war is because usa just after others for greed, not using self defense' then we all wouldn't be in like a 5 way convoluted war. Does this make sense? To prevent shit from getting worse?

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I didn't bother to check the other replies, but I'll add my own personal two cents. 


The RNG boxes are ridiculous. It's a marketing strategy, and I'll agree, it works, but it doesn't last long. Locking cosmetics and other "optional" stuff behind an RNG paywall is tolerable, but I'm afraid of the point where there is an essential key item/material/etc. that is locked in one of those chests. Archeage did that, and its community is basically dead. But it worked as a cash-grab. So this is really directed towards the developers and the creators of this amazing MMO:


If there's any love for us, the community of a product you created with blood, sweat, and tears, the gathering of companions under a tree you planted, watered, and grew, then please take out this generic cash-grab. Take out the self-destruction button that so many other MMOs have unwittingly pressed. Fight the trend and be the first to sustain a community of people having fun. Take the finances out of it for once and think about the people you've gathered through not a money machine, but a work of art. 

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The RNG box is definitely worrying. It wouldn't be so much of an issue if the outfit was tradable, but I'm somewhat sure it isn't.

I feel like a large part of this game is going to be fashion, acquiring those outfits, and the idea of having to gamble for an outfit I want just doesn't sit right with me. Just let me buy it outright. The prices of the shop outfits are already high, but now in addition to that we have to chance not getting it after spending a high amount of money on the outfits. I'd understand it more if the outfits were really cheap on their own, but that just isn't the case.

If they'd just make the box outfits tradable, it wouldn't be so much of an issue, because then we could just grind up money in game and buy it off the market. NCsoft gets money from the person who buys the boxes, the person [presumably] gets what they want from the boxes, or even in game money, and the person buying the outfit off the market gets a costume they want. At least that's how it works out in my head. Seems like a much fairer way of going about it, if they insist on continuing with another layer of godsdamned RNG. Which I'm sure they do.

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On 2/4/2016 at 4:12 AM, Evident said:

Why do RNG boxes even bother people? They dropped prices on soulstones / moonwater trans stones by over half what they were before hand. As a free to play player I love these boxes I can full Siren really cheap now :D

Every games starts casual with the rng boxes, once the developers see that it sells shit will literally hit the fan, believe me if nothing is done these boxes will escalate into the downfall of Blade and Soul, just because people purchase them. It's really that simple I'm afraid.. I'm a paying customer myself and would rather pay a WEEKLY fee than see rng boxes in the store.

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This game is no where near P2W, P2W is when you have to pay for items to do extra damage or have some kind of item that makes you SUPER buff, I do not see any of those items in the hongmoon shop, all I see are costumes and those RNG boxes wouldnt be considered P2W you can farm gold by doing dailies, infact those RNG boxes help drop the prices of moonwater transformation stones since there's always going to be people buying them since they're probably loaded in real life and start selling those moonwater trans making it more accessible to new players (I am not a F2P, I actually buy NCoins for prem/costumes).  On the other hand if you think prem is a P2W item it isnt, all it does is give you an upper edge of lvling faster and wardrobe function, sure it increases copper drop (not by much) but it isnt a P2W item because it doesnt buff you up and make you a "better" player.  This game is solely based on your personal skills.

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I personally hate RNG boxes because they deny me the ability to get what I want reliably. Some people have good luck, I certainly don't. Wasted far too much money on RNG boxes in GW2 and I will never be wasting more money on them. I am far more likely to spend money on a costume (or any item) if I can simply buy it directly and not rely on luck.

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As one of those people who wants to like the game but someway, somehow, can't due to a nagging feeling about the game experience, here is my 2 cents.


The term pay 2 win is thrown a lot around here when we know this game isn't that however I get the feeling many people (myself included) feel it's pay 2 "????"

even though we don't know what "????" is, it gives the feeling that it is a bad thing for this game. Ncsoft's actions keep coming off as shady or a better way to describe it, uncanny valley territory levels of wrong. I could be wrong, I could be paranoid, but I just can't shake the feeling Ncsoft is up to something unpleasant when it comes to this game.

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