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Aerials in PvP


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This for some reason happens more often in arena than anywhere else (I think the camera shifts more drastically there than in PvE), but oddly enough so far the single least consistent mechanic for me in PvP is the aerial combo chain. Fairly often (pretty much always happens at least once per match), I will successfully launch my opponent, and will get the first part in but the second just won't work despite all the conditions being met.


I've figured out what the problem is I'm having, and it's that performing an aerial locks your camera and therefore your targeting, and occasionally decides to lock your camera away from your actual target. I've figured out a workaround, which is that when you land you immediately redirect your targeting at them and can usually finish the chain, but this is a horribly annoying bug since especially versus summoners (because the targeting system will occasionally just screw you over) you will be just entirely unable to finish your combo despite not making a mistake yourself (since the camera angle automatically changes and locks when you start the first part of the attack).


Are they ever going to fix this? I have good ping which makes me capable of dealing with it, but those with anything worse must have a really awful time of it.


If it matters, I play KFM.

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you have 0.8 second (you can't aerial after 1 sec) to position your self after a knock up, that's my best advice. (Excluding when you're frozen, then pray that you can target them.)

#GameLogic: getting frozen disables your ability to walk, yet you can do aerial and then stay frozen

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