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Regarding NCoins


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The problem's quite simple and can be deduced by the title of this post. I can't charge my account with NCoins. Now before you jump to false conclusions let me make a few things clear. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my credit card information or my bank account. I confirmed this by purchasing an item a few minutes ago with the same method. I tried recharging through the store ingame which didn't work. Then I tried doing it through the website. The payment is currently stuck at "Processing Your Request" and has been for about an hour now. So I concluded that the problem must be on your side. Could you confirm this?


PS: I have purchased NCoins before using the same method and I did not experience any type of problem back then. 

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i have the same probleme, when i tried to buy ncoin, im stuck at processing your request. if you got that,DO NOT try again. i do got charged for it.if you look at your email, they sent you that your request is currently being processed and you will get a responce in 12hrs or less. i guess they have a problem currently and there a delay to get your ncoins....

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ok i found this after some research: 


During times of increased sales volume, it is possible that you may not immediately receive the NCoin you purchased. There can be a delay of up to 12 hours while your order is being processed.

Once your order has been processed and completed, you will receive another e-mail confirming that your order has been processed and that your items have been delivered.

If you have not received your NCoin after 12 hours from the time your order was placed, please create a support ticket (under "Payment or Billing Issue") and our team will be happy to look into the issue for you.


again,DONT TRY multiple time,you will get charge EACH time so cattgun...if you tryed 3 time,you will get charge 3 time and when your order will be acceptes,you will have all those ncoins so 3 time the amount you wanted. overall,it is working but there a delay atm up to 12 hrs.....

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ugh I'm so glad I'm came here to look for this problem before I tried again.... am having that same problem.. and there's no notice about high traffic time or anything... just looks like it's continuously trying to charge me. It's almost like they want you to keep trying so they can charge you more LOL... j/k


thanks for the heads up... I'll sit and be patient now... 


if that's possible. lol

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i purchased Ncoin but i did'nt receive it yet i already file the ticket but still no reply from them im so f*cking mad right now please do some action about this issue Nsoft dont just waste our money for nothing c'mon !!!

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Well I did Ncoins  and  still havent received anything if it takes more then 12 hours even after payment has went thru I will request a full refund...not really care about being banned  from a mmo, since there is plenty more mmo's out there that be glad to take my business


Also my forum name is WADofMEAT, but for some unknown reason it keeps asking me  for my forum name and then tells me  mine is not avail...

Even though WADofMEAT is showing in my profile, so for time being you get this forum name till they fix it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just bought some coins and now I wish I had read this thread first. No Dev response? No fix? No apology? My purchase hasn't gone through yet, though its only been a half hour. But still this is unacceptable, it's not like the coins have to be delivered in the mail. And they have the nerve to declare no refunds. They need to deliver the goods or start giving people their money back immediately.

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