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Moderate faction chat and region.


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Hey guys , I am not familiar with moderating chats etc but i would like to no if it's possible to do this on faction and region.

i am aware we have swearing filter and we can turn off faction and region etc but i would like to be able to read faction and region from time to time without having to listen to the disgusting and vile comments.

I like a joke the same as the next person but faction and region seem to be overboard in this game , I have played lot's of MMO games for many years and have never heard a chat that is like this ,

To give even a example its talk of certain mental and physical conditions I.e about autistic kids and other disgusting and vile comments and this is constant not occasional.

Also talk of people getting diseases that affect people in there real life everyday.

Faction chat is the main bad egg for this and i im aware lots of people think well yea its the internet now but at least some moderation would be nice.

My block list is always full with gill spammers also so its hard for me to block disgusting vile talk on faction chat.


I never post about this kind of thing usually , infact this is the only game that i have posted about this issue because i find it way over the level of anything i have seen in any mmo chat.


Thanks for taking time to read even if you think it's a waste of time.

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Yep, they should simply pick some players to modetrate the chats.


ofc with all the formal stuff which is needed for that... but in the end this will grant a nice amount of chat Mods who might can silence a lot of botters (permanent) and some other ppl with bad mouths (temporary) 

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