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Latest Anti-spam patch question


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Part of the patch notes are below:

A new Spam Block list has been added alongside the regular Block list (F4)

  • You can add someone to this block list by using the new “Block spammer” contextual menu

    • This will block them but also automatically report them as a spammer

  • Unlike the regular block list, this will only block their chat and no other player interactions

  • This new block list has 200 slots

  • A “Delete All’ button has been added for easy management

  • The list will automatically clear itself when you return to the character selection screen


It's the line "The list will automatically clear itself when you return to the character selection screen" that has me is bit confused.

With the list clearing itself - does this mean that I will have to re-block the spammers that I had already blocked when I play my character again?

Thanks in advance for helpful replies.

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Edit: As for your questions. Spammers usually make new accounts constantly. So chances are that by the time that list clears a whole different wave of spammers will be around. So no need to block them again as they'll most likely be banned


Edit 2: Read the patch notes and turns out that my previous concern has been addressed so I'm editing it out.

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