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KFM weak?

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So i play an assassin and all i know is that KFM has endless cc if you are caught. Not saying that the class is op, but it is. If you get caught by a KFM you just lose, the initiation is a 10k damage nuke. This class makes no sense, people say it sucks but it is the only class i can lose to. The endless blocking and CC is just infuriating. But hey the PvP is unbalanced in every way possible so who cares.

edit: i never said kfm was weak

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If im not mistaken sin should actually be kfm's counter class.  I have both sin and kfm and in arena when i play with kfm i always lose vs sin. Thou i admit kfm is damn hard to master and it's very ping depended and you also have to time your block/counter/very right and fast. which is not an easy task.

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At original poster. KFMs, even myself, hate assassins with a passion. Reroll summoner if you're having trouble playing assassin vs KFM. You should win 75% of the time, if you're decent, as an assassin vs KFM. I lose most of the time against assassin, unless they are completely bad as an individual player. You can try KFM and enjoy playing vs assassin to better understand the realistic scenarios that KFM players have to deal with lol. 

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11 hours ago, Ari-Shadow said:

Why KFM damage is 0 in this patch?


Why sin have 95% win rate on KFM and 5% winrate on TABers?

I have no idea what you are on about but kfm has a monstrous damage. Its just that KFM doesnt have a shitloads free escapes. Once a single one of your CC something goes into a cooldown because of a mistake, you are going to get melted. 


Because Assasin has those buttloads of free escapes. I started playin with an Assasin and i can say that Assasin is hundreds and thousands of times more easy to play with compared to KFM.

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As a sin KFM is probably my easiest match up but you can win the fights. Just remember what your opponent CDs are and you should be alright. Don't spam abilities desperately trying to hit or block sins or we'd just get a reset and combo all over again with our counter. I fought some very good KFMS that have %100-40 me by catching me when my escape were on CD. With that long combo chain you guys do your damage output should be pretty good.

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1 hour ago, Shukran said:

it is easier to tell things to do than do them in reality

Yea but that's why we practice. Just take tips from others and put them into practice instead of complaining that blah blah is too difficult. Practice makes near perfect. None of this "easier said than done" nonsense and "Just DO IT". 

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