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Seriously? What are you doing?


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Every single update there is always something else that seems to be broken. Yes nothing can be perfect but why fix something that isn't broken? Now I have major FPS drops to literally about 5fps and game crashes every 10 minutes. What are you doing??? I didn't buy premium so I can't play,,, FIX UP. I just want to play the *cricket* game and not wait another 5 YEARS for everything to be 'fine'.

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1 minute ago, Lunaus said:

What? Are you asking the game devs to TEST an update BEFORE releasing it!? Wtf is wrong with you?

I don't think you understood what I meant. They had 5 years to get everything up to standard. They had all these Betas to get everything up to standard. An update every day seems rather pathetic to me considering it involves doing more harm than good, such as, breaking the damn chat, and cause crash issues...

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1 minute ago, PatThePumPum said:

I don't think you understood what I meant. They had 5 years to get everything up to standard. They had all these Betas to get everything up to standard. An update every day seems rather pathetic to me considering it involves doing more harm than good, such as, breaking the damn chat, and cause crash issues...

He was being sarcastic.

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1 minute ago, PatThePumPum said:

I don't think you understood what I meant. They had 5 years to get everything up to standard. They had all these Betas to get everything up to standard. An update every day seems rather pathetic to me considering it involves doing more harm than good, such as, breaking the damn chat, and cause crash issues...

it's all because of them trying to suck Razor's *cricket* .

It's *cricket*ing annoying because they released that shit on head (3days) start which turned out to be a 1 day head start for a lot of ppl cuz not just the queue they have to deal with.

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1 minute ago, PatThePumPum said:

It's kinda hard to detect sarcasm over text.

Not in this case, it was extremely obvious.  He even went out of his way to capitalize key words to exaggerate the statement.

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Dunno why you'd think someone would be serious about getting upset about game devs not testing updates before releasing it as a FIX. Either way, yes I was being sarcastic. Though in this day and age in gaming I'm not surprised they don't test anything because they don't play the game (and if they do, they don't play enough to pick up on things a player would).

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Yeah i am actually having a lot of issues too, Yesterday it was working even tho i would still crash on occasion. And now today its just Log on , Constant Stuttering , Crash after about 5-10m. I know there are also razer issues, But i had that sorted out i closed out of all of the razer chroma crap and it was working the other day.


I was getting like 70 FPS yesterday as well.

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