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Difference between stun, daze, knock down, etc?


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I have no idea what skills can change to what cause I don't know what's stunning or dazing because I can't tell by looking at my enemy.


There seems to be two kinds of knock down, one that enables some skills and I guess the other is a "lighter knock down" or just a "trip"?


What is diff between stun and daze?


In sin I see a lot of skills that upgrade daze to knock down for the same duration. In what situations is that worth it?


Is paralasys its own status effect or is it another word for daze?

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Stun and daze are functionally the same thing - they both hold you in place and do not break on damage. However, daze can be broken by more CC breakers (including F roll), which makes stun a more valuable CC. 


Knock down is knock down. Some have longer duration, I believe. Most classes have ways to stand up early from knockdowns, ground counters, and F of course. 

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