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Better class for Open World PvP?


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I'm more of an Open World player, and as it's different from 1v1's, are there any classes that have the better advantage in Open World? Like are there some classes that are more fit for OW, as there are some for 1v1's? Or does every class work as good in both situations? I'm not 100% known with this game, but as far as I think, KFM seems more fit for 1v1's, unlike FM or BD, since it looks like their skills are more OW based. Though I might be wrong. I'm just wondering which classes are better for Open World, and which are better for 1v1's? Thanks in advance.

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I would say destroyer, it has best health, super damage and can kill every other class very quickly lol,

and BD, really isnt that powerful i play it and i am still easily killed by every other class due to low health and only decent attack damage, on the other hand Blade dancer is good at generic PVE, but against players and bosses every other class is better, BD has almost no defence and no blocking methods, its just a worse blade master when you look at it in more detail


But in answer, Destroyer is good for open world pvp

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KFM is pretty decent in OWpvp, can be a bit of a pain tho once you start going 3-4 vs 1 tho.

But in 1v1 and 2v1, KFM will be able to usually come out on top.

Summoners can rip apart a destroyer if you spec skills to heal you back up, that way you can laugh at them if they grab you.

Assassins can do some serious dmg if you can chain cc properly and never get hit, but once you take a hit, your basically dead.

Blade Masters/Dancers dont seem to be very prevalent (on my server) so I havnt had to pvp them much. And the ones I did were really bad so I cant give you an accurate account of the classes themselves. 

Force Masters...i dunno, but I havnt seen any that could kill another player yet in OWpvp.

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