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Things I would like to see in the future


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First of all, this is a great game. I am enjoying it a lot atm with my 2 Gon characters. It's already better than most of the other MMOs I played, but of course as always, no game is perfect. I made a list of things I would like to see in the future, most of them are minor:


1. Color customization for the outfits. This would be really cool to have, just like in Guild Wars 2. Give us colors to dye every single part of an outfit.

2. More outfits. There are a lot already, but I feel like this is something they should do regulary. Like new outfits every month or so. With more variety.

3. Fix some of the outfits. Especially if you are playing a Gon female like me, you know what I am talking about. Some of them look awful on a Gon, because the breasts get a different shape and look weird in some outfits. I think it would be no problem, because there are many other outfits that look awesome on a Gon.

4. Do something about the gold spammers. I know that it is impossible to get rid of them all, but at least make it so that the faction Chat is useable again. Other MMOs could do it too.

5. Show total playtime. I don't know why this isn't in the game. Every other MMO has it, it's nothing major, but it's always nice to have. I would like to know how much time I spend in the game. =)


That is all for now. :p


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6 minutes ago, Succubus Lilith said:

1. Alt colors not only already exist, but will be in large numbers over time. (Mostly as cash items but still)

2. Hundreds. Literally hundreds coming later.

3. If they aren't fixed in KR, not fixed here.

4. In progress, it isn't as easy as people think.

5. Don't see why but okay.



Well if they add more outfits which all look like the "good" Gon outfits then I am fine with it and fixing won't be necessary. =)

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