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Broken Loot/Bid System?


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-Run Blackram Narrow to get the Blight Lynblade.

-It drops after 20 runs \o/

-Bids since I'm the only blademaster there

-(You cannot bid, you invontory is full)

-Ok I'll delete an item then.

-(You cannot delete an item)

-Someone else gets it and can't trade it.


Ok so you can have a system that holds loot for you if your inventory is full but you can't apply that to dungeons or even let you delete an item during a bid. -_- 

Between this the amount of gold seller spam, the fact that dungeon queue are baron as it is so getting in them is time consuming enough, the fact you need a weapon that has a low drop rate to upgrade you other weapon further and the fact you have to pay £9.40 just for a shorter queue time which in my opinion is the only benefit worth.


I can tolerate so many things, but DON'T *cricket* WITH LOOT! 



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20 minutes ago, Tsuzor said:

ammm u dont have to loot it from boss u can get it from dynamic quest that u get always before boss and it drops wep chest that has a chance to drop your wep >..>

Yeah I have been trying to get it that way but kept getting FM weapons Wouldn'y mind trading them off since I've seen allot of Force Masters wanting them but alas untradable. I would have rather got it from that drop which I did but couldn't bid or delete any items and over all got screwed over. 

They have a loot holding system in place but don't use it for dungeons >.>.

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