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Loving the game but Oce server be so good :P


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Hello friends loving the game alot, decided to watch some high level PvP on youtube while servers where down last night and wow my 180 - 220 ms is ahh pretty killer haha, they get off double if not triple the attacks I can in same amount of time << made me somewhat disheartened, but yeah anyone know of any word on servers closer to the south part of the world in the near future, or what class is friendly for higher ping cheers

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Plenty of people asking for an SEA/Oceanic server, but most of the responses we've gotten are the general corporate replies for maximum damage control, plenty of "We're looking into it." tier responses. That way they get no outrage that would come with "We're not making one." while still not officially stating they have any intention of actually making one. This way if they don't ever make one they can just say they never said they would make one, and if they do eventually do it they can write it off as a whole "We planned it from the start." kinda deal.

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