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amazing haha just left a game where thats all everyone talked about is what compensation can we get for this....... if something HUGE happened like a loss of character items or w/e i can understand compensation but to feel entitled because the server needed to be brought down in a moments notice is just wow

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13 minutes ago, ironmanPH said:

I think this is a good idea if it is applicable in the future towards the success of Blade and Soul. Minor compensations will do for all the players that is affected to a something that is not expected :)

You aren't completly wrong, thinking about the people that spent money for premiun membership, like me. The time is runing.

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And I think is just because there are lot of players playing in Mushin server and more are suffering from queue, waiting, premium & non-premium stuffs. So their solution is to make another servers. I wish they make some adjustments to other server to encourage players to play to a different server and stick only to one like additional experiences, more mobs, etc. So what is they next solution to overpopulated servers?

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