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Free Queue players.


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This post is for the Devs.
Maybe someone else mentioned it, but i think that insane Queue time for free players happens because of "bots" accounts.
I have seen insane amount of bots in each quest and dungeon, i have seen the same issue in the KR version.
You need to fix it for the sake of the game, or the game will be burried with and in bots.

Edit : Free players would be the gameplay base, they will make much more money than us premium, trust me. We need the free players to play around with us and enjoy the game as we do, if you fixed the bot problem, the queue will be so much better for them and they will add to the community big time.
Bots will slowly destroy the game, slowly will kill the community, slowly this game will end up with only premium players to play which is i consider pretty bad for the NA/EU community.

You need to fix this issue before you lose the players hype to the game, and it will be so late to fix it.

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Yes, this is a problem Archeage suffered from. However, between adding new servers, and increasing server capacity on theirs within the week, they also did their best to kick people who were afk and get rid of bots. It's a problem all around really, but it has been several days now, it shouldn't be this bad. some of the high population servers are sitting in queues for 10 hours... A couple hours max is what I think is fair.

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13 minutes ago, Fayoka said:


Plus it's also angering me at the thought that this game is beyond pay to win, it's PAY TO LOAD.
This is definitely deterring people away from even trying your game.

I thought this was Queue Line Simulator 2016, it looks like the right game to me XD

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1 minute ago, VRock said:

People are so dumb, i saw one advertisement before i report a bot saying was 20 bucks for 2 gold lool thats 2 dailies. people really like waste money.

i wonder who's more stupid, the insanely high prices people post, or the people who buy it


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Just now, Fangpunch said:

i wonder who's more stupid, the insanely high prices people post, or the people who buy it


It's not a question of who's more stupid. It's a fact they're both stupid as all hell. Am I the only one who thinks we need to take "warning contains nuts" off a can of nuts? The same thought process applies here.

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5 minutes ago, AceNinja said:

more bot longer queue time=more premium=more money for ncsoft

That's wrong, free legit players make us enjoy the game and pay for it, because they are the traffic for the game, bots actually destroy the game slowly, because they don't really play with us, and evantually free legit players will get bored of the queue and leave..

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3 minutes ago, ElysiumYuki said:

Not exactly. This may make people think that it's just not worth it. And THAT is what can kill a game.


Just now, Hamoud said:

That's wrong, free players make us pay, because they are the traffic for the game, bots actually destroy the game slowly

its a death cycle basically


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8 minutes ago, Fangpunch said:


its a death cycle basically


Exactly. And what these bot controllers don't seem to realize, is by using these bots to the level that they are, it puts a stranglehold on their VERY consumer base.

This makes no sense no matter which way you stretch it... I have a suggestion, in case a GM reads this... I know you have a chat filter. Why not also adapt it to ways these spammers will attempt to circumvent the block. If WWW is blocked, they'll do W W W, WW W, and alternatives.. Maybe even W3 or 3W... Or even 3VV... You gotta think these things through. The moment you make spambots unable to get their message through, that's the moment you defeat them.  In short, don't half-ass it, go all the way to prevent loopholes.

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well my post here was deleted and fast. they wont ban the botter because they make the queue longer and take more space for the server = more money for ncsoft is what im saying. even if they read this would you think they would take care of this as fast as possible when they can make extra cash out of this

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