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Blackram Supply chain 6-man dungeon guide


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Is it horrible of me to assume that someone who doesn't know how to mouse over a dungeon in the cross-server finder and view information on it by level 45 is probably not going to be good at the game and therefore choose not to explain to them how to get into said dungeon so I never get partied with them?


Good guide! Thanks for the work.

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On 1/22/2016 at 3:08 AM, Kraor said:

Level 45 did the main quest, still does not let me participate in that dungeon. Only dungeon in the game that I can't join.

Good job being an arrogant douche though.


First you have to be far enough along in the main story, I was level 43 when I got my invitation quest. Next, you must be level 45, this is mandatory for the dungeon finder, though it doesn't mean you can't get a carry from buddies for manually going in. And finally, you need to have your class's Dokumo weapon, which is obtained from the Skittering Tunnels dungeon, which can only be entered once you've upgraded you weapon to infernal stages.


Furthermore, if you are finding the dungeon to be too hard or don't quite get what's going on, go into East Blackram Supply Chain. It's basically and open world instanced version that holds 30 people and you can go in and out at your leisure. You can farm it for soul shields and other goodies.

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