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Why are Summoners restricted to lolis?


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42 minutes ago, DREAMWERK said:

"Lolita" itself is not a dress style, the term comes from a book written in 1950s where a ~40 year old dude gets obsessed with a 12 year old girl. The Japanese term loli is basically derived from this book and basically stands for a prepubescent girl.

Next time don't correct people when you yourself don't know anything about it.


As a wearer of Lolita fashion, I can advocate for this.


Although to the Lolita fashion community the origin of the fashion name is highly debateable, most will agree that admittedly the name 'Lolita' did get its origins from the book, however unwanted the affiliation is.


But the Lolita community is trying to split apart from this by changing the way in which it's spelt (this is what Japanese lolitas are doing), or changing the name to rorita (I hear mostly American lolitas are doing this). In short, 'loli' or 'lolita' can be perverted, but it can also just be another way of saying something is cute, like how weeaboos and jazz use kawaii and moe.

And to the OP, Lyns are not necessarily 8 year old jail bait, to take the term from TERA forums. Lyns are a way to play cuter looking characters because not everyone wants to play manly man and boobilicious females. Sucks that summoners are restricted to just Lyns, as it defeats the purpose of having the choice in the former, but unless the game devs expand the class to other races, maybe you can poke around with Lyn customisation and see if you can create a character you can enjoy play as.


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7 hours ago, BeardedBourbon said:

That's more a matter of people just being misinformed then and depicting it as canon in their head. In all honesty, I never knew lolita had a Spanish translation. Thanks for that knowledge bomb. Despite is definition, that's pretty cool to learn.


The only reason why I spoke of what I did is because when people hear "loli", their first connection is Japanese culture because they most likely heard it from someone else. Despite it (apparently) being true that lolita means underaged prostitute, everyone ASSOCIATES the word with Japanese culture and therein lies the false defining factor.  Loli/lolita IS typically represented with smaller woman (because of the stereotype that all asianic women are small). Because of the "small" identifying factor, people who don't know any better connect the "small" with "child". Not even child like; just a straight connection with children.


I'll admit it's frustrating to constantly hear it because it's a fine mix between ignorance and arrogance. Ignorance because they don't know any better but arrogant in the fact that when they're told otherwise and provided with evidence (or if they refuse to educate themselves on the matter), they insist on their definition of children which only pushes the wrongful definition further.


This is news to me as well about a "Lolita" being a Under-aged prostitute in Spanish Culture.  I am Puerto Rican and I never  heart of Lolita in my culture.   So I am afraid I need to call shenanigans.  


The VERY first time  I ever heard of "Lolita" used as  anything other than as a  simple name... was in Vladimir Nabokov's  Novel  "Lolita"


 In Japanese Culture  Lolita does not have a sexual connotation.  Sadly... the name has become sexualized in WESTERN Culture,   because of Nabokov's novel.


Since the sexualization takes place in a person's head, and is not at all connected to the Asian culture that produced this game...I put it down to a personal problem.


Personal problems require personal solutions.  Either  accept that it's limited to Lyn,  play the class and enjoy.... or not.


I was  there in Tera playing Elyn, when the whole.." they are sexualizing children...  pedo bear play this class!"  happened.   I thought it  was rediculous then, I can but hope this isn't the  beginning of the  same ignorant, and yes... arrogant attitude.

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