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how do i fix this? (UI is huge)


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In the bottom left hand corner of your screen is the "settings" option. Click on that, and a window should pop up with several tabs on the top and left hand side of the window. Look around for a "UI" option, click the tab, and adjust things accordingly. You'll have to manage to do that with your largely sized UI, as that's the only way to resize it. If that doesn't work, try adjusting your in-game screen resolution.

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What resolution in your pc are you using?

Maybe it's affecting the game.


Also, what you can do is tweak with the config file (aka the settings in notepad form) which is located in:



You can find the UI-Scale setting there and tweak it a little bit if it could fix the problem.

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I have the same problem i cant get to the fixed ui and scale ui but i cant apply changes because i cannot see the apply button is there a way to apply with out having to click the button like maybe a key? i tried escape and tab but all it does it discard my changes not apply them.


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