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hardware config, dll list crash +


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3 minutes ago, LordCody420 said:

yes for instances i have a 128 gb ssd that runs my OS thats it and all my games are installed on a 1 TB drive 

If i install Blade and soul on my 1tb hard drive u think it's kinda works without crash?

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same thing happened to me after the hotfix / afk kick patch came out.


i had set custom graphic settings and just turned back to auto options and the crashing stopped 


pls note i have a 780 ti and it was not stressed during any crashes 


im sure many of you still have auto graphical options checked so it wont help just posting what fixed mine 

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i had this problem too i had to completely remove blade and soul (uninstall launcher, ncsoft launcher, and delete the blade and soul folder) and then redownload the full client.


good luck with support getting them to tell you something useful though, i went through 5 days unplayable before this was suggested to me after going back and forth with support the entire time while they suggested the same things to me over and over again that didnt work.


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