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Can't find Blackram Insignia


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Does anyone know where the heck to get "Blackram Insignia"s? They are used to trade the viridian stone vendor in Jadestone Village for a special outfit. The token description says they're found on "Sentinel Coast Gwon". I've been all over the Setinel Coast, and can find nothing named Sentinel Coast Gwon, just Gwon, or even with the word gwon in the name. Halp please!!!!!



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You wear the Bamboo Village Uniform (from quest "Dressed to Kill") and kill Blackram mobs on the beach/sentinel coast, Gwon will spawn eventually and you kill him for 2 Blackram insignia (rinse repeat until 40)

** Added **  Gwon has lots of HP, to do this at level 20ish you need a group for speed.  Otherwise farm them once your 40, goes by faster.


I made a video for this during cbt



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Thanks so much! I actually tried getting the other ones this morning wearing the blackram outfit and found nothing dropping. Then another person showed up and after a few minutes all hell broke loose, and we suddenly died. After reviving, I came back to that spot and saw a group of three guards teleport away. I guess that was the hongmoon boss you kill for the other ones.

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On 1/30/2016 at 1:04 AM, Frozteh said:

Is there a way to regain the uniform? I lost mine/sold it I think.

 can't you buy the uniform from npc at jadestone? I'm sure there is NPC some where that sells it.

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