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Hi , totally new to BnS , may i ask if whats the most recommended build i should choose? because i have a quest which asked me to choose , PVP/PVE/Dungeon

Anyone able to help ?
Its be great if you can help and also tell me some additional tips as a blademaster.

P.s not sure where to post this at...

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You can respec at any time that you are not in combat for no cost. The PVP/PVE/Dungeon thing you are speaking of is a "helper" that will spend your points for you according to its recommendation. You can do that... but it's best to just move your points around and try everything to see what you like. 

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It can be good to have a bit of self-healing while questing/levelling (reduces downtime and saves you potions and food). Other than that I say mess around, read the skills and find some combos that work for you. The difficulty curve is gentle enough that you can experiment without being punished for it.


That way, when you get to max level and start looking at optimising your character you'll probably already know what you want/need from your build.


Hope that helps

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