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Mushin Locked


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Keep it locked.


I created 2 characters there 1 minute after name reservations opened up.


I can't get in to play today. I paid $120 for early access now I can't access my characters or the items I paid for. I played for 10 minutes this morning and the server kicked me. I've been in queue for 4 hours now. This is BS.

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It's locked for some time, right? They cycle the servers to promote equal distribution.


That, however, doesn't help the players that have already made characters and used items.


Assuming that Mushin can only handle 10k players simultaneously, the server is ~200%+ over capacity and putting more players would do "I don't know" to the server.


I'm not sure how NCSOFT will handle this- the server already has more players than it can handle. Add to that the incoming larger playerbase, the free to play population. The only thing I can think of is expanding the server capacity to accommodate players and use resources accordingly, like channel creation.

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