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Black screen/lockup after cut scene at Gloomdross Forest


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After speaking to the first NPC and viewing the first cutscene in Gloomdross Forest (the place where the villagers are being "corrupted") the screen goes to black and never loads either the rest of the cut scene, or the playable part of the game. It forces you to alt+ctrl+delete and relog to continue playing. This has happened to me and also a friend playing in a diff timezone and state, so it's nto an isolated issue of my PC or hardware. 

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yeah.  same thing happens to me at cutscenes.  not every time, but it's happened 3x so far in different spots but it is always at a cutscene.  the graphics card tries to swap modes and freezes up completely.  the only fix is to do a hard reboot.


this is pretty stupid.  i also know it isn't a hardware issue as i am running a relatively new pc setup with latest nvidia drivers.  the problem is clearly due to a game being bug ridden and not even remotely close to being ready for launch.

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