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Here's an example of what the problem is:

There's two mobs I need to kill, standing together. I start attacking one (I'm a force master), they both aggro, as I'm hitting one, my target just switched on its own to the other mob. Why can't I stay attacking the one I started with? It doesn't make any sense that the computer just on its own stopped targeting one and went to the other one.

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My 2 cents, this game plays more like your typical action game where there is no targeting.  You pretty much just hit what's in front of you.  If you pretty much just ignore the concept of targetting, you'll probably have a more enjoyable experience.


Note:  I'll agree though, the lack of "real" targetting makes ranged classes such as Force Masters feel very cumbersome.  It's hard (Impossible?) to concentrate on burning down 1 enemy at a time when engaged with multiple targets.  IIRC there are targetting options to prefer enemies with debuffs, but from what I remember during my time on my force master in Beta, the reverse is what I'd prefer.  If I've locked down one of the enemies with that ice spell, it's the other enemies I'd want to focus on.  Sorta makes me feel like the ranged classes were something of an afterthought.  Game could really use the "soft lock" that ESO has.  (For those who haven't played it, In general ESO "targetting" works much like BnS targetting.  The only thing the "soft lock" does is if two enemies are "overlapping", instead of it being practically random which one you'll hit, you'll hit the one that's been soft locked.  If enemies aren't overlapping, soft lock does nothing.  If you have enemy A softlocked, but are pointing towards enemy B (where they aren't pretty much overlapping) you'll attack enemy B.

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3 minutes ago, GnatB said:

It's hard (Impossible?) to concentrate on burning down 1 enemy at a time when engaged with multiple targets.

yeah, that's my main problem.. it's a strategy thing to burn down one and then go to the next.. so the amount of time you have two mobs hitting you instead of just one is kept to a minimum.. but in B&S, apparently, you can't do that.. just doesn't make any sense that you can't control that

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